8 Wonderful Vacation Activities for Travelers Who Love Animals ...


8 Wonderful Vacation Activities for Travelers Who Love Animals ...
8 Wonderful Vacation Activities for Travelers Who Love Animals ...

Wildlife adventures on vacation are no longer restricted to safaris in Africa. All over the world, there are wonderful wildlife adventures that are accessible and exciting. Some are merely options to view animals in their natural habitats, others are real get down and dirty, helping out with the care of exotic creatures and endangered species. Here are some wonderful wildlife vacations:

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Dog Sledding in Lapland

Churning up the snow with your sleigh speeding across an expanse of white countryside, the only sounds heard are the movement of the sleigh on the snow and the panting of the husky dogs pulling it along. Wildlife vacations are exciting and exhilarating. Although your ears tingle and your nose freezes from the biting cold, you would not want to miss this memorable trip of dog sledding in Lapland. A wildlife vacation spying wild moose and inquisitive reindeer while rushing through a stunning snowbound landscape in a dog sleigh pulled by twelve pampered huskies is invigorating. Many of the sledding companies encourage visitors to visit the husky kennels and play with friendly pups.


Exploring Kandalama in Sri Lanka

The scenery of Sri Lanka reveals acres of lush greenery and a wildlife adventure in the Kandalama Lake region is popular choice for animal lovers. Exotic birdlife in this region is plentiful, as are sightings of Langurs and wild monkeys as they swing and weave their way from branch to branch through the trees. It is intriguing how they latch onto a branch with their tails and never fall down! This area is mindful of eco-tourism with hotels and visiting tour groups focusing on activities such as horse riding and elephant trekking.


Searching for Tigers in India

The Ranthambore National Park located in Rajasthan, India, is definitely on an animal lover’s itinerary when going on an animal/wildlife adventure vacation. This sanctuary has species of wildlife such as wild boar, bears, hyenas and leopards. The biggest tiger population in the whole of India lives in this reserve. India is proud of specializing in preserving and protecting tigers and takes measures to wipe out any poaching of these big cats. Funding from the wildlife tours goes toward the conservation of the tigers so while you are on a trip, you might perhaps spot a Bengal tiger.


Cruising the Galapagos Islands

This UNESCO World Heritage site off the coast of Ecuador is home to some unique and special species of animal and marine life. On the islands, there are colonies of giant turtles and penguins, and flying overhead are seen flocks of tropical albatross and other birds. This is certainly a nature lover’s delight. The best way to take in all this magnificence and snap some excellent photographic memories is by going on the wildlife watching cruises on the small ships that navigate the islands daily.


Swimming with Dolphins in the Bahamas

To swim with dolphins is a special experience and one of the most delightful wildlife adventures. Dolphins are naturally very curious and playful creatures and love interacting with humans. Often, pods of dolphins swim and greet the pleasure boats, delighting the passengers on board. Around the world there are many other places where you can swim in the ocean with dolphins, however, the warm clear waters of the Bahamas are definitely among the best settings.

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Volunteering at an Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand

Vacations working with animals are great fun – and sometimes hard work. How about the chance to bond with the majestic giants of the animal kingdom at one of Thailand’s several elephant sanctuaries? In Northern Thailand, a Thai-English couple rescue mistreated elephants and give them refuge in a natural environment. Guests not only are a help with the running costs of the sanctuary, they also have an opportunity to learn about their daily care. Visitors are encouraged to bathe, feed and play with the baby elephants.


Sheep Shearing in Scotland

For one of the less-demanding, but no less exciting animal adventures, visit the Scottish Wool Centre in Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park in summer, to see demonstrations of sheep shearing and wool spinning. There are sheepdog and duck displays and you can learn about the sheep varieties, all in a glorious scenic setting. You also get to taste traditional Scottish food such as Haggis, a delicacy made from sheep offal. Maybe you prefer homemade Scottish shortbread!


Llama Trekking in New Zealand

Hiking in the Kaikoura Mountains with cuddly Llamas as your companions carrying your food for the day in saddlebags is a trek with a difference. Kaikoura Llama trekking is eco-friendly as the operating llama farm uses the droppings for compost and insulates the house walls with a combination of llama and sheep wool. The Kiakoura region is one of the best spots in the world for vacation wildlife adventures, including being the best spot for New Zealand whale watching.

I think all these wildlife adventures sound amazing and I’d love to do any of them. Being able to help out while on vacation is an especially great treat. How about you? Let me know about any wildlife vacations you've enjoyed.

Top Image Source:livejournal.com

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thats really great directions. Specially for kids to start communication with nature like that is the best thing ever. If anybody knows somes specific tours and places please share. Thx!

#3 This is a very good information about Ranthambore National Park and for more information you can get by visiting Ranthambore National Park website - RanthambhoreNationalPark dot in

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