7 Places to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner Abroad ...


7 Places to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner Abroad ...
7 Places to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner Abroad ...

American ex-pats who are missing home will be interested in learning some places to eat Thanksgiving dinner abroad. Although there’s no place quite like home, when a restaurant declares itself as a place to eat Thanksgiving dinner you know that they will go all out to create the all-American experience, no matter their location. I’ve found some interesting and recommended places to eat Thanksgiving dinner abroad that offer up that special experience you’re probably craving.

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The Butchers Hall, London

The Butchers Hall, London This is not just any old location or restaurant. This is one of the swanky places to eat Thanksgiving dinner in the UK capital. The Butchers Hall is a historical venue in the city, located close to London’s main wholesale meat market, Smithfield. The sumptuously decorated hall is the home to The Worshipful Company of Butchers, one of the oldest London Livery Companies (en.wikipedia.org.) The dinner has great pedigree because it is organized by the Benjamin Franklin House. benjaminfranklinhouse.org


The Starlite Diner, Moscow

The Starlite Diner, Moscow Could you even have imagined a restaurant in Moscow offering Thanksgiving dinner just 20 years ago? How times change. If you want the full on Hometown USA experience you’ll find it in the Russian capital at the Starlite Diner. The original diner was shipped in its entirety from the US so you’ll recognize all those iconic features and feel right at home. There are now 6 Starlite Diners in Moscow all waiting to serve up turkey with all the trimmings. starlite.ru


Bourbon Street Restaurant, Bangkok

Bourbon Street Restaurant, Bangkok Bangkok is probably one of the last places to eat Thanksgiving dinner you’d expect, let alone find that it is served up in an authentic Creole/Cajun diner. When you know however, that The Bourbon Street Restaurant and Oyster Bar is American owned, it is not so peculiar. From the formal traditional dinner to southern twists like spicy deep-fried butterball and turkey gumbo, this is a taste of Thanksgiving in downtown Bangkok. bourbonstbkk.com


Joe Allen, Paris

Joe Allen, Paris Back in Europe now, and the City of Light. For nearly 40 years, Joe Allen has been serving up American bistro and diner food and has become rather an institution and a well respected outpost of American culinary expertise. Their usual, everyday menu is crammed full of American classics and specialties including ribs, steaks and burgers, but the stops are pulled out for Thanksgiving dinner with a menu that has everything you expect with some extra special flair thrown in – such as foie gras and wine soused pears. joeallenparis.com


Savoy Cabbage, Cape Town

Savoy Cabbage, Cape Town You might think Cape Town is another of the unusual places to eat Thanksgiving dinner, but the fact it is available is more a testament to the South African’s city standing as a true foodie destination rather than a large ex-pat community. The Savoy Cabbage is known as one of the city’s fine dining establishments and they offer an annual Thanksgiving Dinner with a menu of traditional fare. savoycabbage.co.za

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Kimono Wine and Grill, Tokyo

Kimono Wine and Grill, Tokyo The Kimono Wine and Grill is run by American Lauren. And, she doesn’t believe in half measures! Her restaurant doesn’t just host one Thanksgiving dinner but a whole week of them – lunch and dinner. Other than the surroundings and prices in Yen, you won’t find any nod to Japanese on a very traditional Thanksgiving menu. Expect good food and good hosting! en.kimonowinebar.com


Midtown Grill, Berlin

Midtown Grill, Berlin The Midtown Grill is in one of the most happening areas of Berlin – Potsdamerplatz. For many years it has been a favorite of American visitors and Berliners for a great steak and their usual menu wouldn’t be out of place in a New York steakhouse. But, it is also has a tradition of serving up a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner with all the usual favorites. It includes an open cooking station and if that inspires you, the restaurant also offers turkey cooking classes. midtown-grill.de

Are you having Thanksgiving at home this year or are you away? We’d love to hear of some other places to eat Thanksgiving dinner abroad. Do share your experiences and recommendations.

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