Fear of flying for many people is a very real issue, with just the thought of boarding an aeroplane reducing them to severe anxiety attacks. Some people have absolutely no choice whatsoever, and for business and professional reasons they have to face their fear of flying and although they get safely to their destination, they can be severely traumatised. Air travel phobia can lead to a very nerve wracking trip for the person who is nervous and can also affect the passengers around them. Here are 8 Top Tips to Reduce Your Fear of Flying.
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1. Be Prepared Well in Advance
If you are well prepared and have made all your travel arrangements well in advance, you leave very little to chance and excellent preparation will significantly reduce your anxiety when flying. Give yourself some time to pack your belongings a few days before the flight, so you can just do a final check the day before.
2. Arrive Early at the Airport
Even if you are a seasoned traveller who does not have a nervous disposition about flying, getting to the airport late will unnecessarily stress you out, and the rushing and the panic will set the calmest person off in a state of nerves. Get up early, have enough time to relax and spend some time with your family and yourself. If you are flying in the morning, make sure that you leave home with enough time to make provision for the traffic.
3. Have a Good Meal
When you’re nervous, it can be very difficult to tuck into a hearty meal and that would be one of the worst mistakes you can make if you have a fear of flying. Make sure that you have a good meal beforehand, keep your blood sugar levels up, as they can drop over a long flight. If you are nervous, then you will be burning more body fuel than normal and you will feel terrible if you haven’t eaten anything at all.
4. Take Steps to Alleviate Your Anxiety
Doing a few menial tasks will help you reduce your anxiety about flying. Things like plugging in an iPod, listening to some soothing music, reading a book and some deep breathing exercises, will help you relax and take your mind off about where you are. Take a Kindle with you and load some of your favourite authors, get lost in another world, which will help distract you from the airplane surroundings and noises.
5. Stay Positive
Even if you are not feeling positive, take control of your thoughts and emotions before they take control of you. If you are traveling to see a family member, or for a business meeting that could change your life, focus on the positive aspects of your destination and the people who will be there for you on the other side. Remember you are more likely to fall down the stairs at home and break your leg, or be in an automobile accident than crash in an airplane.
6. Security on the Airplane
To be fair, the last few years have definitely added to the anxiety passengers feel when they fly anywhere, with the real modern threat of terrorism hanging in the air. In reality the security checks are so strict, that you will have problems boarding the plane with your nail scissors. Flying is much safer than it used to be, with precaution levels at an all-time high.
7. Feel the Fear and do It Anyway
Once you have worked out exactly what freaks you out about flying, you will be better able to handle your fears and anxiety, and perhaps even overcome them. If you pre-empt an anxiety attack, chances are you will suffer from one. Before you end up as the architect of your own demise, decide that you will be able to manage the flight and you will make it safely to the other side, and beat your mind at its own game.
8. Get Reassurance
Speak to the cabin crew when you get there, just to inform them that you are nervous about flying, and they will be able to reassure you and help you get through the worst parts of the flight. The flight crew will be able to keep an eye on you, and will understand what you are going through and not label you just another difficult passenger.
If you are anxious about flying, I am sure that least one of these 8 Top Tips to Reduce Your Fear of Flying will be able to help you face your fears about getting on an airplane. We’d love to hear any other tips.
Top Image Source: pinterest.com