9 Noteworthy Tips for the Best Couple's Vacation... Ever ...


9 Noteworthy Tips for the Best Couple's Vacation... Ever ...
9 Noteworthy Tips for the Best Couple's Vacation... Ever ...

A couple’s vacation is something special. It’s time away where you can be totally involved in your relationship without all the stress and pressures of life at home. The secret is to embrace the experience. It’s also a good time to change up your routine, or maybe make some tweaks to the way you treat each other that you can then continue when you’re home again. But above all, it should be a whole lotta fun. A couple’s vacation is the chance to make some great memories, go on adventures together and encourage each other to do things you’ve either always wanted to do, or have been hesitant about trying in the past. Check out these tips for the best couple’s vacation and look forward to your next trip away.

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Decide on the Ideal Vacation Destination

Considering your day-to-day life, what kind of destination would sound more refreshing for your couple’s vacation? If your lifestyle is pretty static, you might benefit most from a mountain climbing adventure. On the other hand, if you usually just can’t find time to breathe, imagine how nice it would be for the two of you to just lie on a beach with a cocktail in your hand, enjoying the hot sun. Visualize the perfect destination and then think about how much time you actually have for your romantic getaway before making your decision. Don’t forget a vacation should be about you both being able to breathe, relax and recharge your batteries and have fun.


Decide on the Appropriate Lodging

Do you want the pampering of a luxury hotel or resort with plenty of on-site facilities? Maybe you want to rough it a bit and be a bit further from the madding crowd in a self-catered property? It’s important you agree on what you want in the way of vacation accommodation. Compromise if you have to and accept the compromise. Do not spend the time away bemoaning the fact you’d have preferred a hotel with spa if you’ve gone for a cozy apartment with a stunning view of the sea. You can do the hotel with spa on your next couple’s vacation!


Discover New Things Together

Find out if there are any interesting attractions in the area, or just go on an adventure on your own. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together as a couple, new things are always interesting. If you’re fairly new into your relationship, you’ll find out things about your partner. If you’re long established as a couple, you’ll make new memories and maybe even find out some surprising things you didn’t know about each other’s likes and dislikes.


Bring out the Child in You

Work, bills and responsibilities can all bleed the life out of you. You’re on a couple’s vacation; you don’t have to be a responsible, serious adult now. Get silly; do something spontaneous. Prank the hotel staff. Crash a party together. Buy a ticket for a bus ride to – anywhere. Or I don’t know… use your imagination. Do something totally spontaneous – even intimate – don’t be afraid of getting into a little trouble (but inside the law). This will surely bring you two closer together.



When setting your budget, make sure you allow splurge money. Use it for something special. Maybe a meal in one of the location’s fanciest restaurants, a special experience you’ve always wanted to try, which can be anything from a scuba diving lesson to a helicopter sightseeing tour, or even a day in a swanky spa.

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Play Tourist

You’re on vacation. You’re with the person you love. Embrace the whole experience of being a tourist. Many couple’s vacations are wasted through doing nothing but spending hours by the pool. You learn much more about yourselves as people and a couple by getting out and experiencing “stuff.” Stuff stimulates conversation, conversation stimulates thought, thought stimulates interest.


Remember Why You Fell in Love with Each Other

Going on a couple’s vacation is all about getting closer to each other, spending time together and falling in love all over again. In the crazy day-to-day life, it’s so easy to grow apart and take each other for granted. Running away from bills, work and responsibilities, even for just a few days, will take you back to the time you first fell in love. And this is what you should focus on during your couples getaway – because, in the end, the Beatles were right: all we need is love.


Take Pictures

Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures. And don’t just stick to pictures of you both together. You want pics of you both individually and all the things that you see and do. Pictures are still the best aids for reminiscence.


Enjoy It

Above all, you should be having fun. Many people fall into the trap of over-thinking their relationships. Unless you have an ulterior motive in your couple’s vacation (i.e. you’re in a rocky patch, you’re angling for a proposal, you’re testing the waters before moving in together), there really should be only one agenda – F U N! Shrug off your concerns and immerse yourself in enjoyment and the pleasure of being with each other.

If you’re going on a couple’s vacation this year, I hope you have a fabulous time. Bear in mind some of these tips and you’ll make some fabulous memories. Do you think you'll try for a romantic getaway, just the two of you?

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