How to Stay Safe for Those Who Are Riding with Uber ...


How to Stay Safe for Those Who Are Riding with Uber ...
How to Stay Safe for Those Who Are Riding with Uber ...

Okay, so Uber gets a really bad rep. I get it, it's strangers driving you around most of the time and it's all to save a little money. If you are safe about your drive? Everything should be fine. My wife travels a lot for business and always takes an Uber, yes, I get worried, but – she's always safe. Want to know how you too can be safe when traveling with Uber? Take a look!

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1. Verify the Identity of the Driver

Verify the Identity of the Driver Not a ton of people do this. Seriously. People just forget about this part.

2. Don't Be on Your Phone the Whole Time

Don't Be on Your Phone the Whole Time When Heather travels in Uber, her phone is in her hand, but she is watching the road and the driver.

3. Wait inside for Your Ride to Come

Wait inside for Your Ride to Come If you are going somewhere really early in the morning or really late at night? Wait inside and be safe.

4. If the Driver Looks Sketchy, Don't Go

If the Driver Looks Sketchy, Don't Go Simply put, if you aren't comfortable with the driver, ditch him, cancel the ride and get another one.

5. Text Your Friends or Family as Soon as You Are inside the Car

Text Your Friends or Family as Soon as You Are inside the Car Also, send a picture of the driver and use Waze to make sure they can follow along where you are. It'll make you feel really safe!

6. Take Note of the Driver's Rating on the App

Take Note of the Driver's Rating on the App Again, not a lot of people pay attention to this. Pay attention to the driver's ratings. If it's bad? Don't go.

7. If You Feel Unsafe, End the Ride

If You Feel Unsafe, End the Ride If you just have a bad feeling, end the ride or don't even get in. Go with your gut, seriously, don't drive with someone that you aren't on board with.

8. Don't Use UberX

Don't Use UberX So, this one I agree and don't agree with, UberX is the random person that is driving, Uber Black is usually a registered driver that is driving. Heather uses UberX a lot because it's cheaper, however, Uber Black is better if you really, really are uncomfortable with Uber in general.

9. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Be Aware of Your Surroundings If you are in a place that you aren't familiar with, take note of landmarks. For example, Heather and I took Uber in Paris (yep, we trusted it that much!) and we took note of all of the surroundings and was totally safe!

10. Keep Your Personal Belongings Close to Your Person

Keep Your Personal Belongings Close to Your Person That way, if you DO need to end the ride, you can grab your stuff and go.

11. Pay Attention to the Lock on the Door

Pay Attention to the Lock on the Door If you aren't feeling safe? Unlock the door, it'll be easier to get out if you need to.

12. Carry Mace with You

Carry Mace with You If you really, really are untrusting of riding Uber, carry mace with you or pepper spray, that way you'll have some sort of protection.

13. Don't Let Yourself Get Too Hyped up

Don't Let Yourself Get Too Hyped up To be honest, before you take an Uber, don't read all of the articles about how unsafe it is. It'll only upset you!

14. Try to Have Them Drop You off in a Public Location

Try to Have Them Drop You off in a Public Location If you are having to go from your house to the airport, have them meet you at a neighbors house or somewhere a little more public so that the Uber driver doesn't know where you live.

15. Rate Your Driver after You Ride

Rate Your Driver after You Ride That way, if you feel unsafe or the guy was just weird, you can let other riders know.

16. Keep the Uber App up on Your Phone

Keep the Uber App up on Your Phone I know Heather does this, it lets you really track where you are going and you should be able to follow along yourself.

17. Be Aware

Be Aware Overall, just be aware and in general, keep yourself on guard whenever you are riding.

So, anyone else have any other tips? Share 'em!

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We don't have uber where I am anymore, but we do have a similar service that I use and it has a "confirm arrived" function that you have to click after you leave the car. The driver has to say he dropped you off at the correct address, and you have to confirm and enter your password. It alerts police if you or the driver don't respond within 15 minutes. And @liz some people live in busy cities or care about the environment and prefer not to own a car. I don't own one anymore, I take public transit, walk or rent one if needed. I live in a very over populated city where there is always traffic jams and it's incredibly busy at all times, driving is maddening, so I prefer not to do it myself. Why drive and get road rage when I could chill and play on my phone as the tc driver gets to deal with the traffic?

Grow up and buy your own car or conceal carry-a Glock is the firearm of choice.

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