Tempting Travel Tips to Ease Your Next Trip ...

Teresa Sep 15, 2023

Tempting Travel Tips to Ease Your Next Trip ...
Tempting Travel Tips to Ease Your Next Trip ...

Lately I’ve found myself traveling a lot, and as a result I’ve compiled some of my favorite easy travel tips. Travel days can be exhausting, stressful, and just dreary. The next time you’re traveling, use these easy travel tips to liven up an otherwise dull and stressful day!

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1. Utilize Compartments

When you’re traveling, the handy compartments provided for you in your luggage and carry-ons need to be your best friends. They will make everything easier. Trust me. Designate compartments for everything, and remember which compartment is designated to each category. Keep your chargers in one pouch, your in-flight entertainment in another, and most importantly, your identification in one that is easy to reach in a hurry. Keep all of your identification together, license, passport, ticket, and anything else you may need to grab at a moment’s notice. It’s definitely one of the easy travel tips, but it will save you so much time and digging.

2. Use Cosmetic and Travel Bags

Cosmetic bags are a godsend when you’re traveling a lot. At this point in my life, I almost solely live out of cosmetic bags, so I can pack them up at a moment’s notice and be ready to go. Travel toiletry bags are also a perfect alternative. They fold into the perfect size, yet when they’re unfolded you can almost fit your entire life into them. Cosmetic and travel bags are your best friends when it comes to traveling.

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3. Don’t Buy Travel-Sizes

Travel-sizes aren’t that much more expensive, but sometimes it’s just easier to buy travel-sized bottles from the dollar store and bottle your own favorite products into travel-sizes. It may seem inconsequential, but if you’re traveling all of the time, it’s much easier to refill your travel-sizes in between trips rather than re-purchasing every few weeks.

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4. Keep Your Ticket on Your Phone… but Have a Back-up Too

I’m usually a Delta flier, so I’m not sure if this trend has made its way to other airlines, but I’m sure it has. Keeping your ticket on your phone is the new trend in flying, and it has saved my life in more than one situation. You don’t have to worry about losing your ticket, you always have your phone on you, and you don’t have to search for a printer to print your boarding pass if you’re in a hotel. However, it can also work against you. A month or two ago, I was in the Atlanta airport with no service, as is often the case in the Atlanta airport, and most airports in general. I couldn’t get my boarding pass to load and I had ten minutes before I boarded. It’s always best to have a back-up paper-boarding pass on hand, just in case.

5. Go for the Emergency Row

This may seem like the most obvious advice ever, but there are some people who shy away from the emergency row because they’re worried that they’ll have to help in the event of an emergency. There is very little chance that you will have to help in the event of an emergency, so go for the extra legroom!

6. Go for the Middle Seat… Yes, the Middle Seat

I know, I sound crazy. Hear me out. If you’re flying on your own, book the middle seat. Chances are, one of the two people sitting next to you won't be flying alone, and will ask you to switch seats with their family member so they can sit together, and chances are, that family member had an aisle seat. If you simply can’t get an aisle seat, look for a middle seat next. Maybe I just have really good luck when it comes to middle seats, but eight times out of ten, someone asks me to trade for an aisle seat.

7. Think about Your Travel Clothes Beforehand

This tip is so important, and even though I often think of it, when it comes time to travel, I forget. Plan your outfit accordingly. Pack layers for the plane, but don’t wear them through security. Wearing bulky layers, difficult shoes, and a ton of jewelry will only hinder you when going through security. However, don’t forget that the plane will be freezing. Bring a sweater in your carry-on, or something else to keep you warm!

What are your travel tips? Let me know in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The best seat is window. Then aisle then middle last.

Actually I take a snapshot pic of my plan ticket also digital gift cards to then you don't have to worry about it uploading if lack of service occurs. Remember the name and barcode are the most important when showing your ticket.

Always travel with a health food bar,refillable water bottle and some toilet tissues.You never know!

The paper ID tags you put on the outside of your luggage, you should also put a tag on the inside of your luggage because that one could be torn off. I worked for Delta Airlines 5 years and I took care of lost baggage sometimes

I pack lotion and lip balm in my carryon because the air in the plane makes my skin dry!

I guess by now everyone knows that wearing heels on a long flight is a NO NO! funny enough I still see chicks strutting through the airport on heels and then walking barefooted in the plane and I'm like you should have just worn sneakers or flats.

It's best to book the seat you'd find most comfortable for you, if it's a long haul flight I don't suggest 'chancing' it by going with a middle ( unless you genuinely like to sit between two people...

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