If you would like to learn a couple of very useful money-saving business travel tips, then this is the article you should read. Sometimes, business meetings just have to be face-to-face and your company might not always pay the fees for them. Also, if you are the business owner, then I’m sure you are quite motivated to reduce the costs of your business travels. There are a lot of things you can do to make your business travel easier and cheaper. Just learn how to keep your expenses under control and you won’t have to break the bank just to pay your expenses during your business trips. Here are a few wonderful and very efficient money-saving business travel tips that I’m sure you’ll find very helpful:
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1. Book Travel in Advance
This is definitely one of the best money-saving business travel tips I could give you. Just schedule your travel in advance. Don’t book your flight in the last minute, because the rates go higher closer to a travel date. If you are certain of your travel, then just buy the tickets approximately six weeks in advance and you will see how much money you will save just by doing that.
2. Use Alternative Airports
Lower-costs airlines often operate flights out of secondary airports, so if you choose to fly with a company which uses an alternative airport, then you might save quite a lot of money. Make sure though that the extra ground transportation costs will not make you pay more money then you manage to save by choosing a company which uses alternative airports.
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3. Find the Best Rates
Just plan your travel in advance and find the best rates. When you’re buying an airline ticket, look for the best deal and make sure you understand the difference between refundable and non-refundable tickets and what the airline charges for changes. You could use a low-cost company, since discount airlines may offer you some amazing and pretty incredible advantages that you won’t get from any of the other airlines.
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4. Use Public Transportation
This is definitely one of the smartest ways to save money when you’re going on a business trip. Just do as the locals do and use public transportation and you will surely save a ton of money. If you choose to rent a car, just pick a lesser-known company, because you will usually get the same cars but pay less.
5. Watch for Hidden Fees
When you book a hotel, always watch for the hidden fees and make sure they won’t charge you extra just because you didn’t pay enough attention to what services they offer you for free. Statistics show that in 2012, U.S. hotels collected a record of about $1.95 billion in surcharges. Make sure you always check the full price and not only the nightly rate.
6. Don’t Spend Money on Things You Already Have
During your business trips, try not to spend money on things you already have, even if you are tempted to do so. Bring something to read during the flight and avoid buying books or magazines from the airport just to keep yourself entertained during your trip. Also, you could bring your own snacks from home, so you won’t have to buy that expensive airport food.
7. Eat the Complimentary Breakfast
If the hotel you are staying at offers you a complimentary breakfast, then just eat it and you will be less tempted to buy all kind of expensive junk food later. You could also choose to stay in hotels with kitchens, because this will definitely help you save a lot of money on food. You could simply go to a supermarket and buy some meals that you’ll be able to prepare in your room.
These were my tips for spending less money during your business trips. I’m sure that there are many more things I could add to his list, so can you give me a hand and tell me if you know any other ways to save money during your business trips? Please share your suggestions with us and tell us what you think in the comments section!
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