Latest Ways to Conquer Travel-Induced Stress for the Best Trips Always ...

Rosalina Aug 16, 2016

Latest Ways to Conquer Travel-Induced Stress for the Best Trips Always ...
Latest Ways to Conquer Travel-Induced Stress for the Best Trips Always ...

Who would have thought that going on holiday and traveling would be stressful, but it can be and there are some ways to avoid travel-induced stress which I would like to share before you pack your bags and head off on your adventure. Holidays and traveling should be enjoyable but sometimes you need a holiday when you get back from your holiday! Here are some tips however, to avoid travel-induced stress.

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1. Delegate

If you have kids, get them involved in the packing. Kids love to get involved and they will do their very best to do the best they can, with a little bit of guidance of course! Giving them the responsibility of packing their own bag will take some of the stress out of the preparation. Also, delegate responsibility to your partner. For example, one of you could be responsible for getting the sunscreen whilst the other takes care of exchanging the currency. This is just one of the ways to avoid travel-induced stress.

2. Unwind before You Go

I know the whole point of getting away is to relax but sometimes the preparations can be so stressful that you need to ensure that you do a bit of unwinding before the unwinding. Whether that means having a massage at the airport (if you have the time) or having a pamper day before you depart, this is another one of the ways to avoid travel induced stress. Spending some time meditating each day is also a great stress-busting tool.

3. Lovely Lists

I'm a huge fan of lists and being organized can take a lot of the stress out of living. Make a list of all the things you need to do at home and work before you go but don't panic. If it begins to look a little overwhelming, just take it one item at a time. You can also re-use the list so keep it to hand for the next time you jet off somewhere exotic.

4. Get Covered

There is nothing worse than not having the right travel insurance when you're going away. Be sure you have the right travel insurance so that you have peace of mind when you're abroad. Not having the right travel insurance can be costly and it's just not worth the risk. It's also a good idea to read up about the cultural practices of the place you intend to visit and learn some phrases too.

5. Cut the Risks

Having the right jabs (vaccinations) is also essential so make sure you do the research about the place before you go. You will also need to ensure that there is enough time for the vaccination to take effect and this will ensure that you don't run the risk of catching anything on your travels. Also, make sure you cover up in the sun and opt for the shade instead of the midday sweltering heat. And don't forget that all-important sun protection!

6. Make Time for You

Make sure that you have some all important 'me' time when you're away. If you have children this is especially important as they require 24 hour entertainment. Delegate responsibility for the little cherubs so that you and your partner can both have some unadulterated time to yourself and enjoy the break.

7. Money Money Money

We all know how money can be the root of many disagreements and arguments and this can be exacerbated when traveling. Make sure you have budgeted for everyday food and entertainment and have some in reserve for emergencies (or that gorgeous handbag you didn't anticipate seeing but that you just have to have!)

These are just some of the ways to reduce travel-induced stress on your holidays or longer term travel. Do you have any other hints and tips?

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