I know it’s so boring to think about practical things when you’re looking forward to something, but safety tips for road trips are an important part of the planning and execution. The last thing you want is for your vacation or journey to be spoiled because you forgot to consider these safety tips for road trips.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Break Times
No matter how eager you are to get to where you want to be, you must take breaks. If you don’t, you’re at a high risk of making mistakes or falling asleep at the wheel. This is one of the most important safety tips for road trips because failing to do so really can prove fatal. Use breaks to fill up with gas, have a snack or coffee or just rest so you stay alert. Sharing the driving is another good way to reduce driving pressure, stress and fatigue.
2. Safety First
One of the neglected ways to stay safe on road trips is carrying a safety/emergency kit in your car. Even for short trips, have a blanket, energy bars or fruit, emergency flares, torch, in-car phone charger, bottled water and basic first aid supplies. It could be a lifesaver if your car breaks down or somebody is injured. Tied in with this is checking that your car is in good condition before starting out. For extra long trips, an inspection by an auto-technician is a good idea. For shorter trips, tire pressure, treads, screen washer, oil, wiper blades and brake lights should be checked.
3. Be Prepared
The only way to be prepared is to plan. This is one of the ways to stay safe on road trips but I was ready to resist because it put a damper on my spontaneous ways. I’ve since learned to keep spontaneity for short trips and to prepare for longer trips. I know my route and where I’ll take breaks, and for very long trips I book overnight accommodation.
4. Mobile Phone Assistance
It seems obvious but I’ve often forgotten to charge my mobile and on a road trip, your mobile is what connects you to help, should your car break down for any reason or you need to find a hotel or gas station. It’s even more important if you travel solo so this is definitely an important means of keeping safe during road trips. An in-car charger is essential for long trips.
5. Auto Club Security
Even if you’re quite good at changing a tire, you should sign up with an auto club because it’s not always safe to get out of your car. If your car breaks down, all you have to do is make a call and the auto club sends a technician to help you. They’re even available to help if you lose your way, so I consider this one of my favorite ways to stay safe on road trips.
6. Weather Conditions
Check the weather conditions affecting your route before starting out. You want to be prepared if you know that further down the road you’ll hit difficult and possibly dangerous conditions, like snowstorms or hurricanes.
7. Old-School Maps
Nowadays, your packing list may not include a road map because we all use GPS or some other electronic system, but at times they don’t function. This is when nothing can take the place of an old-school road map to get you to your destination or civilization where your phone will work!
As with most things, common sense is a huge factor where your safety is concerned - being prepared is another. Follow these road trip safety tips and you won’t go wrong. Do you have any more tips to share?