5 Ways to Fund Your Next Road Trip ...

Associate Jun 8, 2024

5 Ways to Fund Your Next Road Trip ...
5 Ways to Fund Your Next Road Trip ...

A road trip is a fabulous opportunity to see any country from the ground up. When people take road trips, they have a lot more freedom than in many other kinds of travel. People can stop along the way almost anywhere they please. Road trips also offer a fantastic opportunity to bond with family members. This is an ideal way to create a family vacation that everyone loves. While there are many advantages to hitting the road, the one drawback for many people is how much it might cost. Fortunately, there are many ways to get your trip off the ground and to see the world from your car.

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1. A Side Hustle

One of the many great things about the modern world is how many ways there are to earn extra money. Take the time to find out how to make those extra dollars to pay for gas and lodging. You might have a talent you can sell. If you're an artist, offer custom items for sale online. The same is true if you have a certificate in a field such as accounting. Take on extra work in your spare time. A few weekends can pay for the trip of your dreams.

Look around your home. Holding a yard sale is an easy way to reduce all that clutter you don't want and make money. You can even hold a virtual garage sale. Sell that shirt you've never worn. Take your used maternity clothing and the baby items your kids have outgrown and let others pay for them. The holiday season can line your coffers. A second job assisting customers or delivering mail is a great way to bring in funds.

2. Money from Saving and Investing

Another avenue of funding a road trip is money from savings and investing. Savings are great, but they're even more useful when they provide the saver with above-average interest. Unlike large investment groups (such as The Chernin Group (TCG), which you may have read about when they backed women’s health company Bloomlife), you don’t need hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin building a portfolio. With some research (for example, Nerd Wallet offers this primer on how to get started investing with as little as $500), you can begin investing on a much smaller level. This may be a better choice than keeping money in a bank account that pays little interest. Investment property can also offer a steady stream of income that can be counted on for all those fun extras as well as retirement. Even better, this kind of income is also often taxed as capital gains. That means it has a much lower tax rate than a traditional employee paycheck.

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3. Credit Card Points

Proper use of credit cards can pay off in the long-run. Many users are pleasantly surprised to find they have earned lots of points. Taking a road trip offers a direct way to take advantage of accumulated credit card benefits. Look up where these points can be redeemed. Chances are there are several hotels along the route happy to provide you with a room in exchange for points. The same is true of gas; credit card points can fill your tank and bring you to your next destination.

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4. Go Fund Me

Consider a Go Fund Me account. These are direct appeals to others for financial help. If you're going to think about this option, consider offering something to those who help you. You might consider stopping off at their house if it's on your planned route. Making a Youtube video of your adventures is an excellent way to provide people with a nice thank you. Set up a private channel when you're ready to put it up. People can see where you've been and discover new places they might like to explore.

5. Working along the Way

Working and traveling at the same time make it easy to see the world. If you're a nurse, for example, look into the field of travel nursing. Nurses are in high demand. Hospitals are happy to have nurses on hand for a few shifts if they're in the area. Lots of other skills can also be a useful means of funding your trip. Contact temporary agencies before you leave; they might have a list of openings each week. You can fill in for a few days and then head out again. Those with flexible job sites can work even when on the road.

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