7 Things to Consider when You Rent a Vacation Home ...

Heather Sep 9, 2011

7 Things to Consider when You Rent a Vacation Home ...
7 Things to Consider when You Rent a Vacation Home ...

Renting a Vacation Home should be easy, in fact it should be one of the easily things in the world to do, but this past week, when I went on vacation at my rented home, I found that I should have put more thought into my rental. When you rent a vacation home, there are a ton of different things that you want to consider ladies, especially if you are looking to have a good time. Below, I'm going to detail out 7 of the top things that you should think about before you rent a vacation home so you don't fall into the same trap that I did!

1. Size of Your Family

If you are bringing 4 dogs, a bunny, 3 kids and 3 additional adults besides yourself, you want to make sure that you are going to find a place that you won't all be on top of one another. One good thing that I can say about the vacation home that I rented was that the size was ideal. Just make sure that everyone has their own bedroom or at the very least, their own bed and if you are bringing animals there's enough space for them too.

2. Rules of the Place

So the disaster home that we rented had a ton – and I mean a ton of different rules. Not only were the rules listed in a binder the size of some of mine in college but they were taped to every thermostat, every door and every counter it seemed like. Whenever you are looking to rent a vacation home, you want to consider the rules before you rent. If you want a place a little less strict on the rules, do your research before you commit with a contract. I wish I would have before I paid for my vacation home.

3. Lifestyle of Your Family

Are you the type of vacation that is a little messy? Do you have a ton of animals that you need to bring? Do you drink or smoke? These are all things that you are going to want to consider before you rent a vacation home. The reason for this is because maybe the place you fell in love with, doesn't allow pets or doesn't allow smoking. A lot of vacation homes also don't allow any drinking – so keep that in mind so you can make sure that you are finding the home that you want!

4. Creditable Reviews

Oh my god girls, I can not stress the importance of this. You don't want to end up in a place that has had horrible reviews and that people have had problems with in the past. Do your research before you buy into a vacation home! Trust me, it will pay off in the end!

5. Your Budget

Before you go on your research for renting your vacation home, you might want to sketch out a budget. The reasoning behind this is because you do not want to look and fall in love with places that are over your budget. If you are splitting the vacation home rental with another family – talk to them about it and figure out what you both can afford between the two of you.

6. Amenities Included

Are you an internet freak (like me)? Do you have to have a hot tub? Do you want to be right on the beach? These are all things that you are going to want to consider. Personally, the place that I went to stated that they had wi-fi – however it turned out that every single time it rained, the internet disappeared. This was a huge amenity that I needed to have and this is where I probably should have looked into the reviews a little harder.

7. Pets Welcome

So my little hot dog and my lab go everywhere with me. This is why it is so hard for me to find a way to rent a vacation home and why I typically start my research about 6 months in advance of my vacation. If you are like me and have to have your pooches or kittens with you, just look around – there are tons of places that accept pets. Be aware though, there are a ton of different places that add on deposits and add on more rules when it comes to bringing pets.

So ladies, these are the tips that I now stick to whenever I am looking to rent a vacation home. Never again will I have a horrible experience renting a home because I know what I'll be looking for. So never fear, go ahead and start to look to rent a vacation home for next year! Tell me – what other tips are out there that have worked for you? I am still in the process of looking for a new vacation home to rent for next year!

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com

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