7 Alternative Things to do on Vacation Instead of Tours ...


There are so many alternative things to do on vacation instead of tours, that there’s really no reason to spend the time and money on guided excursions. Explore the area on your own, pretend you’re a local, or maybe even try a big adrenaline inducing experience. There’s so much to see, no matter where you go, without the time constraint that tours often impose. Next time, try to use a few of these alternative things to do on vacation!

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Explore on Your Own

You don’t need to spend money on expensive tours to see the place you’re visiting. Just do a quick Google search of the places you want to see, and the easiest ways to visit them. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also save time because you won’t be tied to a tour you’re not very interested in for an entire day. In my opinion, it's one of the best alternative things to do on vacation! See the city on your own terms, not a travel agency’s!


Skip the Common Tourist Spots

If you’ve been to your destination before, you don’t need to waste time at the crowded tourist spots that you’ve already seen. Unless you really want to see them again, visiting crowded tourist areas that you’ve already seen is not exactly a fun way to spend a vacation!


Visit Tourist Spots on off Days

If this is your first time to your desired vacation spot, try to visit the most populated tourist attractions on the least crowded days. Visiting on less crowded days are one of the best ways to see tourist attractions. Even if the least crowded days are pretty crowded, it’s easier to visit on an off day than say, a weekend.


Try the Local Cuisine

Skip the tours and go out and experience what the local cuisine has to offer. Do your own “food tour” of sorts. Google the greatest places to eat in the area you’re visiting, and start eating. You never what local gem you may find!



Just take a deep breath and relax! Whether you’re on a beach or in a big city, you are on a vacation so you should relax! When you skip the tours on your next vacation, you won’t spend the whole time constrained by the time requirements of the seemingly millions of tours you might feel obligated to attend. You can do things on your own time, at your own pace, and you can take the time to relax a little bit!

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Find a Local Attraction

Find a lesser-known local attraction to check out during your vacation. Maybe there’s a festival going on while you’re there, or maybe you’ll come across a farmer’s market when exploring the area one day. No matter what it is, there are places that only the locals go, and that’s with reason. Usually, the places the locals go are the places that deserve the most attention. Pretend you’re a local and experience the area like a local does. Go to secondhand bookstores, or cute coffee shops, and pretend that you are a local for a few days.


Find an Experience

Find an experience that you’d love to try out but wouldn’t usually at home. Whether it’s something as big as skydiving, or maybe something smaller but still adrenaline inducing like zip lining, it’s worth trying out on vacation. There’s a ton of different activities to experience when you’re on vacation. In fact, they’re almost never-ending. If you’re not one for a big experience, try something smaller. Maybe it’s scuba diving, or maybe it’s simply visiting the tallest building in the area. No matter what the experience you pick is, you will never regret it.

What do you do on vacation? Do you like to go on tours or are you one to skip them and check out the lesser-known areas? I personally like to skip the tours, but I’d love to hear about everyone’s usual vacation routines in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I've travelled around by myself and I have done tours as well, and though I do agree with your points of non-tour travel ... I think doing a tour can also be great and sometimes even better. Tours offer the opportunity to meet some great people with common interests and often offers places to visit you'd normally not be able to wander around by yourself. I think doing research is the best way to go to decide what you really want from a particular destination ... Either way solo or tour, travelling is a life changing :)

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