7 Wonderfully Weird Beaches ...


7 Wonderfully Weird Beaches ...
7 Wonderfully Weird Beaches ...

When I think of beaches, images that come to mind are sweeping swathes of golden sands, secluded coves and rocky outcrops. We do tend to have a stereotypical view of our ideal beach, but what about some of the weird beaches of this world which defy the rules of convention. Some of the most unique beaches have green sand, pink rocks and even cast iron statues. When it comes to unusual beaches, there is something that will enthrall everyone. Here are 7 Wonderfully Weird Beaches in the World.

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1. Crosby Beach, Merseyside, England

Crosby Beach, Merseyside, England Stepping out to this beach, you will be forgiven in thinking you are not alone. Surrounded by more than 100 completely life-like human figurines, upon closer inspection you will see that they are made from cast iron. In fact, it is a life art exhibition made and cast by Anthony Gormley, a sculptor whose very own nude statue forms part of the human forest on the beach front. At high tide the statues sink into sea, only to rise again when the tide ebbs.

2. Hot Water Beach, New Zealand

Hot Water Beach, New Zealand Renowned for its vast geothermal regions, New Zealand has some of the most incredible outdoor spots for a bit of a natural Jacuzzi. The Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand has some gorgeous beaches, but among the most unusual beaches in the world is Hot Water Beach, found just a short distance from Whitianga. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a lovely hot bath, where the thermal springs make their way to the surface. At low tide you can scoop out your very own beach sand Jacuzzi.

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3. Green Papakolea Beach, Hawaii

Green Papakolea Beach, Hawaii One of only two green beaches in the world, the other being located on the Pacific Island in Guam, the Green Papakolea Beach in Hawaii looks as if it has lush, grassy dunes as a beachfront, instead of the obligatory sand, stones and shells. In fact it is a fascinating natural phenomenon of the olivine crystal deposits that are found everywhere on the shore, giving it an illusion of looking like grass.

4. Maho Beach, St Maarten, Caribbean

Maho Beach, St Maarten, Caribbean What should be called Runway Beach is known as Maho Beach in St Maarten in the Caribbean. As planes land at the Princess Juliana International Airport, beach lovers will literally be able to feel the wind in their hair as the jumbo jets sweep really low, just metres away from their beach umbrellas as they descent to the runway. Adding to the flavour of this weird beach, the bar broadcasts the transmissions between air traffic control and the pilots to everyone on the beach.

5. Cow Beach, Goa, India

Cow Beach, Goa, India Cows are a considered a sacred animal in many corners of the world, but in Goa, India, they even get their own beach. At the Cow Beach in Goa, the sands are shared by flocks of tourists and herds of cows – surely one of the most weird beaches. A surreal environment, but everybody seems to get on just fine.

6. Barking Sand Beach, Kauai, Hawaii

Barking Sand Beach, Kauai, Hawaii Hawaii certainly has more than its fair share of weird beaches (another didn’t make this list). Right in the heart of the Polihale State Park, brings you to some ancient Hawaiian heiau’s, or temples, the forbidden island of Niihau, some burial sites and the famous Barking Sand Beach. The grains of sand on the beach have been documented by scientists, who have found them to be hollow. When you walk on them, or rub the grains together, it produces a sound that is exactly like the sound of a dog barking. Go figure.

7. Pfeiffer Beach, California

Pfeiffer Beach, California Colored sands always make for unusual beaches but they are usually within a narrow spectrum. At Pfieffer Beach, however, you won’t find a shade of yellow, white, or black sand, it is purple! In Big Sur, California, the sand gets its amazing pigmentation from the high quantity of manganese almandine (also known as garnet). If you can imagine- think of the incredible sunsets when the deep blue ocean meets the purple sands.

There are some highly unusual beaches just waiting to be explored all over the world. Weird beaches they may be, but they are beautiful too. If you were going to make your way to a unique beach, which one of these 7 Wonderfully Weird Beaches would you choose?

Top Image Source: hdwallpapersdesktop.com

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