8 Ways You Need Never Stay in a Hotel Again Ever ...

By Neecey

Any seasoned traveller will have at some point found themselves booked to stay in a hotel. However, a stay in a hotel can be a limiting factor in that there isn’t the freedom offered by other types of accommodation. Additionally, a stay in a hotel is generally the most expensive way to take a vacation, so many of us are looking for alternatives, so we can actually afford to go on holiday. Here are 8 Ways You Need Never Stay in a Hotel Again – Ever.

1 Camping

Camping is more popular than ever and the perfect opportunity to enjoy a real holiday experience sleeping under the stars. Many campsites are fully geared with all the necessary bells and whistles offering you the perfect alternative to a stay in a hotel. Camping equipment has also become very sophisticated, meaning the days of totally roughing it are long past.

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2 House Swap

There are various alternatives to hotels and one that has grown in popularity over the last couple of decades is house swapping. People from all over the world are swapping their homes with other holiday makers, cutting the cost of an overseas holiday by a substantial amount. There are even websites that you can register on to book your house in for a house swap this holiday. Check out homeexchange.com, and there’s even a house swap section on Craigslist.

3 Working Farm Holidays

This is a fantastic option if you fancy a bit of a working holiday, getting your hands dirty and all that. You can sign up with folks like WWOOF who will put you in touch with farmers from all over the place looking for volunteers to help out on the farm. You don’t get paid, but your accommodation and food is provided for free. Why stay in a hotel when you can get bags of fresh air, a healthy environment and fab home cooking.

4 Adventure Holidays

Hiking, sleeping under the stars or under a canoe, making your own hammock in the thick of a lush ancient jungle, and eating the fish that you caught for your supper before moving on to the next adventure sight on your trip - doesn’t that sound far more exciting than a stay in a hotel? Embrace the chance to get out of an urban environment and have a holiday Bear Grylls style.

5 Yacht Cruising

Never thought that you would ever be able to afford to holiday aboard a luxury yacht? Well maybe you can’t right now, but if you sign up at your local yacht club looking for a spot on a boat as a crew member, you could find yourself being part of a team that works for a wealthy family, hanging out, keeping things ship shape and sailing around the world until your family needs their boat.

6 Milk the Family Tree

Even though some of us would rather stay in a hotel than shack up with a family member, as it sounds less of a holiday and more like a nightmare, putting your feelers out to find a distant or favourite family member to hook you up with accommodations – free accommodations at that - for a few weeks may be the answer to your prayers. Do a bit of family tree research and you may find relatives in far flung places you’ve always wanted to visit.

7 Social Media

How we ever survived without Facebook is beyond anyone. All you need to do is put out the word on Facebook that you are looking for a spot to hang out with at a friend, or friend of a friend or family member, and you may find that you will have to extend your trip to be able to stop in and visit all the kind folks who are able to put you up for a night or two.

8 High End Hostels

Although hostels have the reputation for being a bit of a stingy dormitory, there’s a new genre of hostels that are emerging, almost like a boutique hostel if you like. Luxurious, high end and trendy, you have some of the benefits of a hotel stay but without the heavy cost. And it is a great way to meet other travellers who are just passing through.

If you would prefer to stay in a hotel that is fine, as long as you don’t mind forking out all of your party money for a higher thread count in the sheets. Alternatives to hotels offer you the chance to cook for yourself as well, which is much more relaxed than a stiff dining room, and a great way to experience the local culture. Out of this list of 8 Ways You Need Never Stay in a Hotel Again – Ever, which one appealed to you?

Top Image Source: lifestylemirror.com

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