7 Ways to Travel on a Budget ...


Going on holiday can get very expensive, so finding a few ways to travel on a budget can come in handy. Gone are the days where we only wanted to travel a few hours to our holiday destination. The media have really glamorized exotic locations, which is amazing, but if you are strapped for cash, this can cause a real problem. So why not find a few ways to travel on a budget and see those amazing locations?

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1. Booking Times

Get to know airline sites! For instance, mid-week flights are cheaper than weekend flights. The earlier you book flights can be cheaper. Also, flight companies would rather sell their tickets than have an empty seat. Therefore, a week or two before the departure, flight prices become extremely cheap. Finally, cheap airlines charge for luggage. Fitting your luggage into a handheld can really cut down on costs. However, make sure you know the hand luggage sizes. Airlines really do like to make money on people who don’t read the fine print. This is probably the most important one of the ways to travel on a budget.

2. Plan Plan Plan

Planning each day that you are away will allow you to budget. Look around for free and interesting attractions. Always plan to eat and drink at reasonable places and have one night of fine dining. If you want to cut the cost even more you can stick to the set menu or promotional deals.

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3. Know the Area

Get a map from a book store or online and plan your days by what attractions are close together. This will save time! Whilst allowing you to see which attractions are free and know the queue times. My first non-family holiday to Paris was amazing, although I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I had looked at a map and not wasted time going backwards and forwards.

4. Walk

Instead of getting public transport, why not walk to the next location? This only really works in a city and comes with good planning. Getting public transport in other countries can take a week to get your head. Half the time it takes more time on transport than actually seeing the sights. I love going on adventures, but for the less adventurous types, why not have a day by the pool and then a sight-seeing day the next?

5. All Inclusive

These packages normally come with resort holidays and are really cost efficient for large families. If this type of holiday isn't for you, there are always bed and breakfasts or houses where you have to make all of your own food.

6. Say No to Hotels

Instead of choosing a five star hotel, why not go for a hostel. I know most people don’t even like the sound of it. However, its extremely social! Even if you don’t want to share a room there are often private rooms available.

7. Ask around

If you haven’t planned very well, why not ask some of the locals where the best places to go and eat are? For example, on a website the restaurants around your area will look nice, but you will know the better places, due to experience.

Travelling is a huge part of life today. It’s hard to figure out the right place to go let alone how to do it on a budget. Do you have any travelling tips?