7 Ways to Get Your Geek on in Tokyo ...


There’s probably no people on Earth more obsessed with technology and gadgets than the Japanese and that spawns some brilliant things for geeks to do in Tokyo. Tokyo surely must be the ultimate destination for geeks. The city is packed with hi-tech attractions, and gadgets and gadgetry are everywhere. Check out these things for geeks to do in Tokyo and put it on your lust list of destinations.

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1. Get Your Gadgets Blessed

Get Your Gadgets Blessed Yes, you read it right. One of the most bizarre things for geeks to do in Tokyo is to have your gadgets blessed at the Kanda Myojin Shrine. This is no weird ritual; masses seriously do flock to the shrine to ensure their gadgets’ mojos are fully tuned in. Businessmen also seek blessing for their enterprises here. Plus, it’s a beautiful shrine in its own right and well worth the visit.

2. Learn Stuff at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation

Learn Stuff at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Want to get the inside track of what the next big things technology-wise might be? Head to the man-made island of Odaiba to this fascinating museum. You’ll find plenty of interactive exhibits relating to technology, the environment and space exploration. You’ll also have the chance to shake hands with Asimo – the robotic humanoid developed by Honda. Geek heaven!

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3. Dine Hi-tech Style

Dine Hi-tech Style A geek’s gotta eat – right? There’s no need to park the geekiness at the door when dining out in Japan’s capital. There are places to eat in Tokyo that offer a techie dining experience. If you want hi-tech sushi, head to SushiRo. You place your order via tablet screen and it arrives at your table by conveyor belt. If your love of all things tech includes transport, Niagara Curry will deliver your order by model train. You get to wear a cute conductor’s hat while you dine in this railway themed restaurant too!

4. See What’s Going on in the World of Nintendo and Panasonic

See What’s Going on in the World of Nintendo and Panasonic The licensing agreement between Panasonic and Nintendo may not have reaped great business success so far, but who knows what developments that partnership has in store for gamers and techies. Visit the “Nintendo Game Front” at the Panasonic Showroom to try the latest developments before browsing the science museum. There are also exhibits with the theme of a sustainable future.

5. Unleash the Nerd in the Akihabara District

Unleash the Nerd in the Akihabara District If you’re a special kind of geek who is a nerd too (gerd, neek?), you’ll find plenty to make you heart race in the Akihabara District. As well as having more electronic shops than could ever satisfy someone with a serious tech obsession, it is also packed with retailers of manga and anime. Pack your bags full of duty-free goods, the latest manga stuff and then lose yourself for hours (or days) in the gaming arcades.

6. While Away Time at the Sony Explorascience Museum

While Away Time at the Sony Explorascience Museum Although this is aimed at the younger market, there’s great merit in anyone wanting to understand more about the links between science and technology. There are tons of interactive exhibits. It’s simply one of the fun things for geeks to do in Tokyo and you really can’t miss out on seeing the 3D aquarium.

7. Check out the Transport

Check out the Transport In Tokyo even getting about is a showcase of technology. The ultimate transport experience has to be whizzing out of Tokyo on the high speed bullet train, but if you don’t plan on leaving the city, just enjoy the local commute. The trains on the Yurikamome Line have no drivers, but are totally controlled and operated by computer.

Tokyo is hugely exciting for technology lovers and there’s plenty for traditional sightseeing too. Are you fascinated by Japan?

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Can't wait to visit Tokyo one day

I lived in Tokyo for three years. loved this article

I want to go so bad