7 Ways to Feng Shui Your Vacation ...


7 Ways to Feng Shui Your Vacation ...
7 Ways to Feng Shui Your Vacation ...

If you’re a feng shui devotee and have already applied the principles in your home, do you also follow the ways to feng shui your vacation? When you practice feng shui on vacation you are protecting and promoting your health, happiness and positive energy when away from your spiritually-balanced home. The ways to feng shui your vacation will energize and personalize your holiday accommodation and promote those synchronicity-filled adventures.

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1. Pack a Feng Shui Kit

Now of course, this all depends on how long you’re going for and how much room you want to take up in your luggage, but one of the sure fire ways to feng shui your vacation is to have a feng shui travel kit. Each individual will need to decide which are the most important items for them to be able to balance and harmonize their accommodation. Things to consider are a personal spiritual item, a journal, favorite music, scented tea lights, incense, an inspirational book, a picture of loved ones and essential oils.

2. Room with a View

When it comes to booking your hotel room, there are a few things to consider. You of course, want a nice view but you also need to be as far away as possible from busy elevators and stairwells. Look at pictures of the hotel online – one side is always better for feng shui than the other, so specify which side you’d like your room on if you can.

3. Air

An essential consideration for feng shui on vacation is windows – the bigger, the better. And check that the windows open. I once stayed in a hotel where the window only opened 2 inches and was covered by a mesh screen! Not good. When you first arrive in your room, throw open those windows and get the fresh air circulating. You can also burn incense to purify and remove the energy of the room’s previous guests.

4. Corners

We all know how corners break up the harmony of a room. Make sure you have packed a few light scarves (chiffon is good – minimal space and weight) in your suitcase so you can drape over the sharpest corners in your hotel room. You can also use your bathroom towels to prevent those corners agitating the room’s energy.

5. Water

Looking after your money energy and safeguarding your prosperity is one of the most important ways to feng shui your vacation. Always keep the lid of the toilet seat down and keep the bathroom door closed.

6. Color and Fragrance

Color and smells are important feng shui elements and the easiest way to harmonize the energy in your hotel room is to pop out and get some lovely fresh, aromatic and brightly colored flowers from the nearest market. Hotel housekeeping will be your friend and you can ask them for a vase or something you can borrow for your stay. (If all else fails order a pint of beer and use the glass!)

7. Technology

It’s hard to find natural balance in our technology driven world. When on vacation it is not only important to switch off mentally from your daily work and life pressures, but it’s also good feng shui to physically turn off your technology and gadgets. If you have packed your tablet or laptop (why?) keep it in a drawer, shut away when you aren’t using it. If your room TV is in a cabinet, keep the doors closed and do not fall asleep with the TV on.

With these ways to feng shui your vacation you can keep your energy at peak levels and maintain a harmonious balance in your hotel room. Are you a feng shui gal? Do you practice it on vacation or have you never given it much thought?

Source: Feng Shui Your Life by Jane Barratt

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Never mind. If you have to go through all of this to go on vacation then you just need to stay your happy ass home.

These days your kind of hard pressed to find a hotel with opening windows. Lawsuits would be rampant bc people get ridiculous and think they can fly when drunk.

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