9 Travel Tips on Packing Light ...


9 Travel Tips on Packing Light ...
9 Travel Tips on Packing Light ...

The busy travel season is just around the corner and soon you'll be buying new outfits to take with you on your trips. But not so fast, with high gas prices and airlines charging for bags you may want to learn how to pack light before you stock up on new clothes, shoes, and accessories. Guest blogger Kati is back with us today to share her** 9 Travel Tips on Packing Light**, check them out before you go shopping for your big trip....

If I could, I'd take my whole bedroom and bathroom with me everywhere. Call me fussy, high-maintenance, or materialistic, but I like my big collection of clothes, accessories, and toiletries. I also love to travel. That’s always required some thoughtful packing, but with high prices just to check one bag these days, I've had to get pretty clever at getting a week out of a carry-on bag. It can involve some tough calls and stressful moments, but it's also helped me to live more simply and relax.

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1. Research the Weather...

This is obvious to a lot of folks, but it should be your first step. In January, I went to the San Francisco Bay area, which requires layering pretty much year-round. I looked up the forecast, checked with my friend I was visiting, and realized I’d need to bring both short-sleeved shirts and sweaters. I’d have to bring a wider variety of items than if I was visiting a more stable or extreme climate- crucial information!

2. Consider Your Luggage...

If you’ll be bringing oddly-shaped items, you might get more space and support with a duffel bag than with a rigid, rectangular suitcase. The opposite is true if you’re carrying, say, a stack of books. Just make sure your bag still fits as a carry-on, if that’s your goal.

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3. Roll up Your Clothes...

In college, I was lucky enough to go to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. The challenge was packing for 10 days in snowy weather, knowing I’d be walking almost everywhere. My professors shared a trick: roll up your clothes. I was skeptical- I didn’t think I’d been wasting space before. But lo and behold, it worked. I was able to cram in extra leggings, long-johns, sweaters, and scarves. Just be aware that items may wrinkle this way-but they might no matter what.

4. Bring Easy-to-match Pants, Shoes, Jackets, and Accessories...

My boss and I recently discussed what he’ll bring to his upcoming business conference in Orlando, which will have several events requiring different types of dress: a formal dinner, business-casual meetings, free time out in town, and a 1960s-themed party. He’s bringing a pair of black dress pants and a nice pair of black dress shoes he can wear to the dinner and meetings. He plans to incorporate the shoes into his ‘60s costume too- instead of a leather-fringed vest, he’ll be channeling a sophisticated Don Draper look with his dad’s vintage suit. If he wears a different shirt and tie each day, he’ll look fresh without having to pay the airline for an extra bag. And that’s because he’ll…

5. Wear Items More than Once...

At home you might wear a totally different outfit every day, but to save space, plan on wearing the same jeans, shoes, cardigans, and jackets as much as possible. If you’re worried about your clothes getting too dirty, there’s bound to be laundry options there. No one is going to judge you for wearing the same coat or earrings in every other photo. Save the space for shirts, socks, and underwear.

6. Use What Will Be There...

If you’ll be staying with a friend or at a hotel, there’s a good chance hangers and a hair dryer will be available for your use. Before you use valuable duffel space, consider what you might be duplicating.

7. Think Comfortable...

You love that new floral-patterned skirt, and it’s tempting to bring it along for your vacation. But if space is at a premium, you’ve got to make some tough calls. Is it going to be comfortable enough to wear all day, perhaps multiple days? No? Only put it in if there’s room once everything else is packed.

8. Be Realistic...

As a little kid, when my family would take a day trip to a town an hour away, I’d pack about ten books, three stuffed animals, a jacket, a pillow, and an Etch-a-Sketch. My family always laughed at me. What can I say? I plan for contingencies. And I hate having to buy something I already have at home. But relax. You don’t need something for every possible event that could arise. If your host suddenly insists you go to her neighbor’s costume party, or a handsome fellow invites you out for a fancy meal, you’ll do one of two things. You’ll make do with what’s available right there, or you’ll go to the store and find a bargain or a special treat. Odds are, you’ll never need to.

9. Let Yourself Simplify for a Few Days...

Your nightly pampering ritual might take 30 minutes and require 10 different products. Fine, but ask yourself if you could afford to cut it down while you’re gone. In California, I didn’t cut back on my bedtime routine, but I only took one travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel for the week- all under 3 ounces and in a clear plastic bag, of course. When I’m at home, I rotate between six different brands, so that’s major! Remember: you’re on vacation. Act like it.

Share your tips for packing light in the comments below! Bon voyage!

About the Author:
Kati Garringer-Maccabe is a vivacious redhead whose thumbs don't match. She lives in Indianapolis and loves dancing, dogs, and dancing dogs. Read about her experiences at whatkatididthere.tumblr.comand see what's new at whatkatidoes.tumblr.com.

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wow that was really helpful! i like how you connected with stories:) i found all women stalk like a month ago and now it's so addicting! i love it:P

Nice, thank you :)