8 Top Wildlife Photos Every Traveler Should Take ...


8 Top Wildlife Photos Every Traveler Should Take ...
8 Top Wildlife Photos Every Traveler Should Take ...

Taking wildlife photos is considered as one of the most difficult forms of photography. Although modern technology has made cameras so incredibly easy to use, they also have so many features you could use, that to take really spectacular wildlife photos, you need to spend two weeks reading the manual, and practicing on the pet cat before going on your trip. Of course, you might be happy with point and shoot pictures, and that is perfectly acceptable too. It’s your trip and your memories, after all. Capturing those wonderful animals you see on vacation is always going to be a special experience, but where should you be going for the best? Here are 8 Top Wildlife Photos Every Traveler Should Take:

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1. Orcas - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Orcas - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Photographing killer whales might be an overwhelming experience, but the results can be magnificent. Keep in mind that orcas usually don’t attack people, unless they are attacked, or they feel threatened. Whale watching tours are common in Victoria, and whales are, therefore, relatively used to interacting with people. Arm yourself with a long telephoto lens because, although you’ll get some great close up shots, the size of the animals means that to capture them in full, you’ll need some distance shots.

2. Wild Camels in the Sahara, North Africa

Wild Camels in the Sahara, North Africa Although camels in North Africa are mostly domesticated (you are maybe travelling through the Sahara on the back of one of them), you could also meet some wild camels running freely through the desert. They are usually in herds, so you can pick the most photogenic of them for your shot. They are not too dangerous but can be a bit unpredictable, so be careful. Anyway, you should focus on the camel’s head, for they have a range of funny faces to show, and we all know how those make for great photos of wildlife.

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3. Kodiak Bears in Alaska, USA

Kodiak Bears in Alaska, USA The Kodiak bear is the largest subspecies of brown bear, and it is also known as the Alaskan grizzly bear. In size, they are comparable to polar bears. You can see them only in South-Western Alaska. If you decide to take your wildlife photos right here, there are few things you should know about these bears. First, they are quite shy and they will do everything to avoid interaction with people - stalking skills and / or paparazzi experience could be of use here. They are not dangerous but, as well as most wild animals, they might attack when they feel threatened. Therefore, you should avoid sudden moves or other surprising acts.

4. Giraffes - South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

Giraffes - South Luangwa National Park, Zambia These charming giants move slowly or they don’t move at all, (except when they’re stampeding and you don’t want to be too near that!) which make them a perfect target even for inexperienced photographers. They are cute and elegant, and extraordinarily designed to fit into picturesque African background. Although they are interesting even when doing nothing, you may get some unsurpassed wildlife photos if you capture them while chewing leaves or necking with each other.

5. Elephants - Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa

Elephants - Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa Huge and imposing, yet tender and friendly, elephants will be happy to pose for your photographic piece of art. The Addo National Park makes an amazing backdrop for wildlife photos and you should ensure enough gigabytes on your memory card. If you focus on elephant’s eyeballs, you might discover that they are actually smiling.

6. Mountain Gorillas - Bwindi National Park, Uganda

Mountain Gorillas - Bwindi National Park, Uganda Bwindi is one of the largest animal reserves in Africa. Many animals have found their home here, but Bwindi is most known for 340 mountain gorillas, almost half the world’s population of this endangered species. The park’s most popular tourist activity is gorilla tracking. Gorillas usually ignore people, which is great if you want your wildlife photography to capture their natural behavior.

7. Bengal Tiger - Karnataka, India

Bengal Tiger - Karnataka, India Are you sure you want to do this? These mighty animals induce awe and might make your hand trembles at a crucial moment. The size and recognizable pattern of Bengal tigers will for sure look impressive on your photos. Since the tigers run freely in Karnataka, you should take all the precautions to prevent any unpleasant surprises – don’t leave your vehicle and look into the eyes of the tiger only through your telephoto lens.

8. European Bison - Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland

European Bison - Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland Also known as wisent, the European bison is the heaviest living land animal in Europe. You will always see them in herds, but that way you will be able to arrange interesting compositions, with, of course, the terribly scenic Highland landscape in the background.

Getting wildlife photos can be quite challenging – it requires a lot of patience. On the other hand, it is more than just photography. Beautiful pictures will always remind you of your lifetime adventure. So the question is: are you up for the challenge?

Top Image Source: pinterest.com