7 Things I Love about NYC ...


7 Things I Love about NYC ...
7 Things I Love about NYC ...

As I write this article, I sit in New Jersey, having just completed a wonderful day in New York City. I had an amazing time, and I want to share 7 things I loved about NYC so I might convince you to visit one day!

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1. The Buildings

The Buildings Photo Credit: martuka41

I loved the skyscrapers - the huge, beautiful buildings. It was "neat" to see so many of these places I've seen in so many movies. It was almost as if I had been there before, yet it was a beautiful, new experience that I'll cherish for years.

2. The People

The People Photo Credit: Asif A. Ali

I love my quiet time I enjoy in my country town back home, but experiencing the crowd of people and the craziness on the streets of NYC was absolutely invigorating! You can see so many different types of people in just one tiny street corner. There were the smiling happy ones, the "don't look at me cross-eyed" ones, the business ones and those who haven't even a place to call home, all there together enjoying the day.

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3. The Culture Clash

If you want to experience a vast array of cultures in just one day, go to New York City. It's crazy! Chinese culture on this street, Italian on the next. It might be pretty easy to get overwhelmed by everything you can see in New York City, and to truly experience it all, you may want to give yourself (at the very least) a week to see and do everything!

4. The Food

I'm a pregnant woman and food is my best friend (though sometimes my best friend still makes me sick!) If you go to NYC, you simply must get a New York pizza and then stop at several roadside vendors for some special treats. The smells of all this great food are enough to make you hungry only minutes after you've eaten a full meal!

5. The Color

Times Square was one of my favorite stops of the day! So much color and life around me, stretching for what seemed like miles into the sky! Just so you know, those huge screens on the sides of the buildings are even bigger in real life than they appear in pictures!

6. Central Park

I found it quite amazing how one can find a bit of quiet rest and find a bit of rest and recreation right in the middle of the city when they visit Central Park. We didn't get to experience all of Central Park, but what we did see of it was quite enjoyable. We even rode in the back of a pedi-car as a young man pedaled us around to the other side! Talk about an experience for us and a workout for him!

7. The Taxi Ride

Believe it or not, in my 23 and 1/2 years of existence, I have never had the privilege of having a taxi ride until my day in New York City! I've always wanted to get in and say "Step on it" but I refrained. Good thing I did too, because it seemed as if our taxi driver was doing quite a good job of "stepping on it" on his own! Taking a taxi in the city is one crazy experience, to say the least!

New York City is not a place I'd ever want to live. I prefer my quiet country living over city life. However, it was an experience I'll remember and smile about for years to come. These 7 things I loved about NYC are really just a drop in the bucket of my overall experience, and if you haven't had the pleasure of seeing the sights of NYC, make it your next vacation spot! You'll have a blast!

Top Photo Credit: world-wallpaper.com

Feedback Junction

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hah I live and work in NYC and there is so much on this list that I dislike about nyc! I hate Times Sq with a vengeance!