17 Things Every Adult Secretly Wants to do on Vacation ...


17 Things Every Adult Secretly Wants to do on Vacation ...
17 Things Every Adult Secretly Wants to do on Vacation ...

I do believe I took vacations for granted as a kid. It was just a given that my little family of three would go away somewhere in the summer. It wasn't always glamorous – camping at a nearby lake was a favorite – but there were also summers when, after saving up all year long, my parents took me to amusement parks, Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, Pigeon Forge, Lancaster County, the New England coast … and I loved those vacations. As I got older and moved out on my own, however, I quickly realized that vacations are expensive, getting time off work is impossible, and I missed some of the carefree activities I enjoyed as a kid. Secretly, I think every adult wants to do certain things on vacation – the things they did when they were little, sure, and a few other things that sort of epitomize the freedom they used to enjoy.

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1. Jump up and down on the Bed

black, white, film noir, darkness, Oh,, There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't do this – do it with vigor and enthusiasm because you're on vacation!

2. Steal a Towel

vacation, play, people, spring break, natural environment, You probably shouldn't do this, but I mean, I know people whose entire towel collection consists of hotel towels.

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3. Take a Robe

clothing, person, woman, sculpture, Don't do this either – and besides, robes take up a hell of a lot of room in your suitcase.

4. Swipe a Pillow

person, thigh, DIYI, I know this is tempting, especially at the Marriott (but I'm biased, probably), but it's also hard to smuggle out a pillow.

5. Shove ALL the AMENITIES into Your Suitcase

Duolingo, person, black and white, finger, hand, Okay, I'm not going to say you shouldn't help yourself to shampoo and soap and junk, possibly because I have a collection.

6. Order Room Service for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

clothing, wedding dress, woman, curtain, blond, Hey, if you can afford it, go to it – in the words of Donna, treat yo' self!

7. Order Only Desserts for Your Entire Stay

person, black hair, profession, THE, KARDASHIANS, You can try it, but it will only seem like a good idea for the first day and a half or so.

8. Drink and Eat Every Single Thing in the Mini Bar

clothing, showgirl, fashion, Trash, the, Just try not to mix the booze, otherwise ...

9. Get Lost for a Little While

person, singing, … otherwise, this one is sure to happen whether you want it to or not.

10. Or Maybe a Long While

person, performance, art, concert, music, Then again, getting lost might be the whole purpose of your trip.

11. Reenact Your Favorite Movie Scenes

skyline, By that, I mean that when you're in a city or town featured in one of your favorite movie scenes, you want to reenact them.

12. Kiss a Stranger

black, person, white, photograph, black and white, Well, okay, maybe not everyone, but isn't it kind of tempting when you spot some beautiful woman or man on your travels?

13. Go on a Ridiculous Shopping Spree

person, black and white, profession, film noir, LOSER, Anywhere – a boutique, a bookstore, Bass Pro Shop.

14. Sneak into a Place Where You're Not Supposed to Go

Sneak into a Place Where You're Not Supposed to Go I always want to do this, but I have yet to muster up the courage.

15. Secretly Spend the Night in a Museum

Secretly Spend the Night in a Museum Anyone else convinced that something in that museum will absolutely, definitely come to life?

16. Pretend to Be Someone else Entirely

person, facial expression, black and white, emotion, crying, Fake an accent, wear a wig, invent a whole new history – endless possibilities.

17. Get It for Free

DSP, person, religion, IAMSOEXITED,, MAY, This is my dearest wish, I would love a free vacation so badly.

Is there anything you secretly want to do on vacation?

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haha, these things are quite funny