9 Places to Go after a Break up to Ease the Pain ...


9 Places to Go after a Break up to Ease the Pain ...
9 Places to Go after a Break up to Ease the Pain ...

When a relationship ends it’s sad but, there are some amazing places to go after a break up that will help put a smile back on your face. The tears may flow while you’re packing your suitcase, but once you land in any of these wonderful destinations, the beauty and the attractions will be assuaging your pain in no time. How about these as wonderful places to go after a break up?

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China When browsing the Internet for places to go after a break up, China may not exactly seem like an obvious choice, but what better way to mend a broken heart then to lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of the world’s most populace country. After a week of wandering through fantastic street markets, eating amazing local delicacies and checking out awe-inspiring historical sites, you’re guaranteed to have forgotten all about your ex!



Italy If you’ve just been the victim of a vicious break up, why not fall in love again – with Italy! Get back on your feet by indulging your senses on a trip to one of the most passionate countries in the world. Spend your days spoiling yourself with home made pasta, pizza and gelato, before sitting down with the jovial locals to laugh the evening away. The fact that Italy is one of the biggest wine producers in the world also doesn’t hurt the emotional recovery process!



Australia When looking through destinations to visit after a break up, why not consider Australia. One of the liveliest countries in the world, Australia welcomes travelers with open arms and the offer of a cold beer, fish and chips and a sunny beach. According to the Aussies, there’s no better way to get over the break up blues then a trip to the outback, a diving adventure on the Great Barrier Reef or a backpacking trip up the east coast. Regardless of what you choose however, you’re guaranteed to make some great new “mates” in addition to having the trip of a lifetime.



Sweden Why not head to Sweden, the land of beautiful blondes, when looking for places to go to mend a broken heart. Whether you’re interested in shopping your way through the nation’s stunning capital of Stockholm, island hopping through the Swedish archipelago or hitting the ski slopes in winter, this stunning Scandinavian paradise will not disappoint.



Spain One of the most perfect places to go to mend a broken heart, Spain offers everything from pristine beaches and great historical sites to pumping party areas. This gives you the option of shaking the blues whilst lying on a tranquil beach or wandering through an ancient cathedral; or heading into the lively heart of one of Spain’s great party regions such as the Ramblas in Barcelona or the numerous clubs and bars on one of the Spanish islands.

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Indonesia (Bali)

Indonesia (Bali) One of the most relaxing islands on the face of the planet, Bali is the perfect place to visit after a break up, especially if you feel like you need to recharge your emotional batteries. Offering a plethora of pristine beaches, beautiful mountain villages, breathtaking historical sites, stunning waterfalls, bustling street markets, fabulous coral reefs and smoky volcanoes, the island really does have it all. After a few days in Bali you’re guaranteed to be asking yourself why you were ever upset over whatshisname!



Peru Sometimes you just need a little bit of adventure to get over a bad break up, and what better place to go to mend a broken heart than Peru. With activities like: rafting down the Amazon; hiking the Inca trail and exploring Machu Picchu; mountain biking through the Andes; and horse riding through Sacred Valley, you won’t have the time to dwell on the past.



Africa If you’re really not sure of suitable holiday destinations to visit after a break up, why not try Africa. One of the wildest and most diverse continents in the world, Africa affords heartbroken travelers the opportunity to: go on safari; relax on some world-class beaches; lean off the edge of Victoria Falls; and go hiking, just to name a few great ways of erasing thoughts of your ex completely!



Tibet The nation of peace and tranquility, Tibet is the perfect post-break up destination. Find your happy place whilst hiking through the Tibetan mountains, visiting a temple or chatting with the friendly locals. After a few weeks of meditation and soul searching in Tibet, you’re guaranteed to feel like a new person.

The world is full of fabulous places to go after a break up that will help make everything feel right again. Where would you go?

Feedback Junction

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Africa is not a country! :/ Pick one country, like say, South Africa

I agree... Africa is not a country, so please be specific about the African country to visit, like you did in the rest of the article.

* of * it's 3 times the size of the U.S.


Hmmm what part or region if Africa it's 3 huge! It's like saying take a trip to Europe. Italy was a nice gesture if specificity,..

I thought this was gonna suggest going to the nearest Starbucks or the mall. Not places around the world. People can't just say ok I'm going to china because my boyfriend and I broke up. Honestly by the time you may have the money you'll be over the guy. I didn't think this was as useful.

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