Absolute Essentials to Pack when You're Going on a Road Trip ...

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Absolute Essentials to Pack when You're Going on a Road Trip ...

Vroom vroom! It's time to hit the road for your summer road trip - but not before you make sure you've got all the essentials packed. Whether you're traveling near or far, no road trip is complete without a car full of goodies. So before you buckle up and hit the gas, make sure to check these 7 road trip essentials off your list.

1 Brain Fuel

You shouldn't drive on an empty stomach. It's important to feed your body and your brain before making a long trip. Pack some snacks for the road, like fruit, granola bars, bottled water and crackers. Anything that's easy to transport - pack a cooler full of ice for those "need to stay cold" items, and pack a small tote full of munchies that you can grab as you go.

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2 Tunes for Jammin'

When you're in the car for a long time, silence can be depressing. And as you venture through different places, the radio stations will come and go. Be sure to bring your iPod or CDs with your favorite music so you have something to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel.

3 Pillow & Blanket

Hopefully you're not taking a road trip all by yourself. And hopefully you and your travel buddies are taking turns driving. Even if you don't stop to rest, it's important to get some shut eye. So if you pack a blanket and a pillow, you can catch some zzzs when you're not behind the wheel.

4 A Map

Sure, you've got GPS on your phone to keep you on track. But what happens if your phone loses service or the charger stops working? Keep a physical map handy to guide you in case of technical problems. Even if you know how to get to where you're going, you never plan to take a wrong turn, so be prepared just in case.

5 Cell Phone Charger

Speaking of technical problems, be sure you've got your cell phone charger with you. Most likely you won't have any issues, so make sure your phone is fully charged at all times, in case of emergency. If you are traveling and will be staying in a hotel or with friends/family, you can also charge your phone where you are staying.

6 Money

You should always carry money with you when you travel. You never know when unexpected charges might come up. Besides, it's likely that you'll need to buy food or souvenirs along the way, right?

7 Plastic Bags

You might be surprised just how much trash you can create when you travel. And since you are not the kind of person who litters or leaves your car (or your friend's car) a mess, you will be sure to throw your trash away. Keep a plastic grocery bag nearby to collect all of your wrappers, napkins and other trash. It's also nice to have just in case you get car sick on those winding roads!

I bet you're super stoked to hit the road! I love taking road trips and creating new memories with my friends & family. Traveling is always an adventure. Now you're prepared for yours!

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