Most Romantic Landmarks around the World ...


Most Romantic Landmarks around the World ...
Most Romantic Landmarks around the World ...

Ever wondered about the most romantic landmarks around the world? You know that dream vacation you envision going on with your sweetheart. The one you spend hours dreaming about together. When you stop to really think about it, it’s hard to imagine these places or, at least very close replicas, might really exist. The sites in this article provide living proof of these wonders' existence. Each of these landmarks possesses its own unique air of romanticism. Whether you prefer a moonlit kiss from the top of a tropical mountain or a sunny afternoon exploring the aged walls of a colorful palace, here are a few of the most romantic landmarks around the world to help you realize your dream.

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1. Pena Palace

red, yellow, tourism, wall, vacation, The gorgeous reds, blues, and yellows of this age-old monument splash against the green backdrop, drawing visitors from near and far. In its earliest days a monastery, Pena Palace was purchased by the King Consort Ferdinand II after the site was hit by two crippling natural disasters. From the ruins, Prince Ferdinand endeavored to design a palace fit for the royal family’s use. It is this landmark that stands today, magnificent in its coalescence of cultural influences. To stand with your lover against the multicolored background and snap a shot together is really a dream come true! It's one of the best most romantic landmarks around the world.
Location: Sintra, Portugal

2. Rialto Bridge

beauty, leg, vacation, girl, tourism, Looking over the Grande Canal, the Rialto Bridge is the oldest of four bridges that link together the districts of Venice. Engraved with depictions of Roman gods and goddesses, this landmark offers a surreal view of gondolas that transverse the crystalline waters below. As you stroll along the rails you can sometimes hear the rhythmic melody of Italian singers as they grace travelers with a beautiful serenade. It’s little wonder this city is so frequently acknowledged as one of the most romantic destinations in the world.
Location: Venice, Italy

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3. Golden Gate Park

outdoor structure, garden, plant, gazebo, botanical garden, Splattered with bright flowers, some of these artistically crafted into geometric designs, Golden Gate Park is the perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon. Sit on the grass and enjoy a sandwich or visit one of the many attractions the dot the 3-acre expanse. Home to the fascinating Academy of Science, a vintage carousel built in 1914, the well-manicured Shakespeare Gardens, and the oldest Japanese tea garden in the United States, this lovely retreat has something for both of you.
Location: San Francisco, California

4. Portland Head Light

lighthouse, coast, tower, promontory, sky, Heavy with American History, Portland Head Light stands sentinel to the town of Cape Elizabeth, a beacon to sailors and tourists alike. Rebuilt for the last time in 1885, the 80 foot white lighthouse adjoins the whistle house. Colonial in style, with its apple red roof and white stone walls the entire structure is awash with the soft charm of its origins. Explore the sweet interior of the building or simply settle on the rocks and watch as the sun sets over the rolling waves and the light flashes across the water. Have you been planning to surprise her with that long-awaited proposal? You couldn’t ask for a better backdrop.
Location: Cape Elizabeth, Maine

5. Monument Valley National Park

horizon, sky, road, morning, sunrise, Featured in some of famed film director John Ford’s best-selling films, Monument Valley stretches across the Utah/Arizona border. Its towering rocks and high ridges offer breath-taking views of the red and orange panorama below. If you share the heart of an adventurer this is the ideal place to spend the afternoon. If you’re not fond of heights, go for a leisurely drive through the peaks. The epic beauty of these sky-high formations will provide you with a memory you will both cherish forever.
Location: Utah/Arizona

6. Morne Blanc

tree, nature, vegetation, plant, nature reserve, If you are not an exercise fanatic, the hike is by no means an overwhelming hike. Approximately 35 minutes on foot, the trek through the thick, tropical foliage is well worth the effort! If you prefer the easier route, a bus periodically transports visitors to the destination. Once you reach the top, the view is astonishing. Miles of lush greenery and sapphire waters stretch in every direction as far as the eye can see, and the clouds seem to nearly touch your shoulders. Standing on the wood pier with your loved one and gazing around you is like sharing a piece of heaven, if only for a moment.
Location: Mahe, Seychellois

7. Reynisfjara Beach

black and white, rock, monochrome, stone carving, monochrome photography, Immense black rock formations and the sound of the Atlantic Ocean crashing against the black shores combine to create a mystical effect. Carved into the face of one of these intriguing basalt cliffs, a deep cave beckons you to explore it while all around you the black and white puffins soar across the sky. If you plan your trip correctly you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the mysterious Northern Lights streaming overhead. That alone makes this a can’t-miss experience. Like a scene from a storybook, a kiss on these black sands will hold a unique magic for you and your lover.
Location: Vik í M‎yrdal, Iceland

8. Plaza De Armas

historic site, medieval architecture, landmark, sky, cathedral, Surrounded on all sides by fascinating examples of the masterful architecture that pervades the city, Plaza De Armas is a wonderful place to stop and have a coffee or enjoy a little site seeing together. At the center of the Plaza, a monumental stone fountain topped by the figure of an archangel gushes forth an endless supply of water, adding the soothing sound to the ever-present vibe of easy pleasure. The apex around which the rest of the city was built, Plaza De Armas has been the site of many notable events in the country’s history. At night the city lights illuminate the square, adding an extra touch of romanticism to the already enchanting scenery. Stop and initiate your own version of your favorite 1920s Hollywood classic.
Location: Cusco, Peru