7 Most Amazing European Capitals ...


7 Most Amazing European Capitals ...
7 Most Amazing European Capitals ...

If you're looking to sample the highlights of Europe, to get a taste of the rich and varied history, consider touring the capital cities. You can hit all of Europe’s highlights in one action packed tour or visit one at a time over the course of your lifetime. No matter when you travel, make sure you find a way to visit these 7 most amazing European capitals.

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1. London

London Photo Credit: AndyG1983

No one should miss this city. From the ancient Tower of London to Buckingham Palace, from the British Museum to the street artists, from the Thames to the Tube, there is much to see and do here. The actual city is tiny, but it’s packed with wonderful sights and activities. London is surrounded by sprawling suburbs, each with their own attractions to offer.

2. Rome

Rome Image Source: galatravels.com">https://www.flickr.com/photos/joerg1975/2732546608/">galatravels.com

History buffs will love visiting the hub of the ancient world! Rome is definitely a place to spend some time. History and progress stand side by side on these crowded streets. Discover both high fashion and classical architecture as you roam the millennium-old avenues. Taste fresh mozzarella and authentic tiramisu to die for.

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3. Paris

Paris Image Source: wingstoafrica.com

Who could pass by Paris? This gorgeous city boasts decorations on every building and tempting cafes on every corner. Visit the Louvre Museum and see thousands of priceless artifacts. Wander the streets to taste authentic French cuisine and mouthwatering crepes. A short bus ride will take you to Versailles or Chartres, both of which need to be on the list.

4. Berne

Berne Photo Credit: tacouin

Sadly overlooked by many, this Gothic city hosts numerous activities for the world traveler. With gardens, cathedrals, shopping, and Einstein's house, there is much to do in the Swiss capital. Spend an evening dining outside or browse the under-street level shops as you enjoy the well-preserved medieval architecture.

5. Madrid

Madrid Image Source: learnspanishcourses.com

Visit the seashore another time and make this town a capital stop. Palaces, museums, shops, and more await in this city. Find a local restaurant to sample traditional foods and learn more about the history of bullfighting. The Royal History gives a fascinating insight into the development of this great country and its connections to the world.

6. Vienna

Vienna Image Source: farm3.static.flickr.com

As the former center of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, beautiful Vienna is full of history and culture. Sip fresh-brewed coffees while looking over the famed Spanish Riding School. Wander the halls of palaces and gardens as you soak in the past. Music and art spanning centuries is just waiting for you to explore!

7. Prague

Prague Photo Credit: elpic

While almost all European countries have seen war and strife, Prague has seen much of it in the past few decades. Despite the ravages, this city rises from its own ashes to provide a wonderful experience to all visitors. The architectural styles of a thousand years crop up all over this city, proving its people's endurance and passion.

So many countries, so little time! When you explore these 7 most amazing European capitals, you will have the adventure of a lifetime. What is the European destination of your dreams?

Top Photo Credit: James.Stringer