7 Lies You Tell Yourself While Traveling ...


Let's be honest, there are many lies you tell yourself whilst traveling. It's just one of those things that we can't control. We always want to believe we'll be super productive on vacations, which means becoming an A-list tourist and checking out every hot spot around. Usually though, we end up curled up in the hotel bed, or dipping our feet in the pool... things you can do at home. Check out some lies you tell yourself while traveling. Let me know if you can relate!

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1. No Social Media

How many times have you promised yourself you'd keep clear of social media during vacation? HA, as if! The urge to Instagram everything you see can be pretty intense sometimes. But, while you're busy waiting for photo comments, something beautiful is happening right in front of you. It's life. Life that you're not living because you keep pausing your day to broadcast it. I can't be too hard on you though, I've been guilty of the same thing. This is just one of the lies you tell yourself while traveling.

2. You'll Wake up Early

Vacations aren't just for relaxing - they're for sightseeing! You just so happen to have an endless list of things you're dying to do/see while you're there. So, you promise yourself you'll wake up bright and early to start the day. Funny, huh? When the alarm goes off, there's no hesitation to reach for that "snooze" button.

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3. You Won't Forget Your Diet

Being in a foreign country means being around yummy, foreign food. To avoid temptation, you tell yourself that your diet is STILL on. Girl, we all know that once you hit the famous touristy restaurants, there's no diet. Feel no shame in that! There's plenty of fun activities you can do to burn off those calories afterwards.

4. You'll Sleep on the Plane

If you're a last minute packer like me, the night before a trip usually results in getting zero sleep. I always think, "Hey, no worries, I'll just sleep on the plane!" I'm always wrong. It's not as easy to fall asleep on planes as people think. There are the loud talkers, zero leg room, oh and anxiety. Lots and lots of anxiety. That's probably why I usually sleep my first day of vacation away (confirming that the whole "I'll have an early morning" is always a lie).

5. You Won't Look like a Tourist

Why do we worry so much about this? Embrace the fact that you're in a new place and are interested enough to take pictures of it all! Stop telling yourself you're gonna be just another one in the crowd. We all know you're lying. You're going to be glued to that camera.

6. You'll Pick up Some of the Language

Unless you plan on moving there someday, we all know you're not going to be spending your time studying the language. Sure, you'll pick up the important phrases like, "yes", "no", and "where's the bathroom?" But, I doubt you'll come home as a new language expert. So quit telling your friends that!

7. No Spending Money on Souvenirs

Wrong. Throughout your trip, you're bound to see things that remind you of friends/family back home. I know you said you wouldn't spend money bringing a bunch of gifts back, but this is different. You NEED this, right? Yeah yeah, everyone knew you were lying and everyone's expecting a gift!

Well, there you have it! These are just seven out of many lies you tell yourself while traveling. I've been guilty of a few of these. Have you? What other lies can you think about?

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