Landscape Prints That'll Satisfy Your Wanderlust ...

By Lyndsie2 Comments

I love seeing photos and landscapes of places I've never been, not to mention places I love so much I visit them over and over again. There are so many talented photographers out there, it's always worth it to comb through Instagram, Flickr, or the nearby galleries, looking for stunning landscapes from beautiful places all around the world. Here are the photos that inspire my wanderlust.

1 Colmar in France

Colmar is like nirvana. It's one of the shining jewels of the Alsace region, and picturesque enough to warrant a place on your living room or office wall.

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2 Pakistan's Hunza Valley

The Hunza Valley is gorgeous, especially if you're a fan of mountain vistas.

3 The Grand Canyon

It's more than just a hole in the ground, you know, and more than just one more tourist destination. There are some stunning landscapes to be seen there.

4 The Beaches of Indonesia

Nearly any of Indonesia's landscapes will steal your breath away, but the seascapes are particularly amazing.

5 Arizona, from Almost Anywhere

My best friends, Steve and Gary, lived in Arizona for the longest time and still love it deeply. Seeing their beautiful photos made me fall in love, too. Look at that. Look at that sky.

6 Something Inspirational and Pretty

A field of flowers, a forever sky, mountains in the distance – landscapes don't need to be exotic to inspire you.

7 Sheep in Scotland

Because why not? Looking at sheep in Scotland will always make you smile.

8 Strange Places

Again, why not? Sometimes something might just catch your eye. Use it.

9 The Peak District of Dovedale

Oh, all that countryside. That is gorgeous. I'll be honest, looking at landscapes like this one calms my anxiety.

10 Colorado Reflections

Photos like this keep me calm, too. I want to go there someday. I want to camp there.

11 Cityscapes

Look for a cityscape of your city, even – even if it's only highway, sky, and silhouette.

12 Toketee Falls, Oregon

The Pacific Northwest speaks to me, but as cool as I think Seattle would be, Oregon inspires my wanderlust more. Look at this place.

13 Sulzkirchen, Bayern, Germany

I don't even know why, I just love all that farmland.

14 The Hofvijver in the Hague

To be honest, I don't think there's a single inch of Holland I wouldn't love to explore.

15 The Outer Reaches of Mariposa, California

California is home to many gorgeous spots, but the best of them are entirely unexpected.

16 Rheinau, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

I guess I have a thing for Germany, too, huh?

17 And Pisa, of Course

Pisa over Paris? Yeah, I'm trying to broaden my horizons – plus, how amazing is this?

We have a wall dedicated to our favorite cities, countrysides, and travel photos. How about you?

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