Incredible Places to Travel to That Are Crazy to Wake up in ...


Do you find it difficult to leap out of bed to throw open the drapes ready to face the day with a sunny disposition? When you do open the drapes is the view that greets you just of concrete jungle or at the most, not very inspiring? How much easier is it to wake up to a stunning view? Life is so much better when there’s a beautiful sight waiting for you. Would you like to wake up in any of these stunners?

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1. Ice Hotel, Sweden

snapshot,light,night,darkness,ice, A room made from ice and snow is probably not one of the places you'd rather wake up in than your bedroom, but the Ice Hotel in Sweden provides guests with such a unique experience, it's well worth a little shivering. Rebuilt every year from scratch, these rooms are the ultimate in minimalist architecture.

2. Dedon Island Resort, Sirgao, the Philippines

tower,reflection, Enter what the resort calls a "barefoot state of mind" and rub your eyes every morning to the sound of waves gently lapping against your toes in this swingrest hanging lounger that floats above the surface of the water like leaves on a lily pond.

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3. Kolarbyn Ecolodge, Sweden

hut,log cabin,building,property,shack, The moment you open your eyes your lungs will be filling with the fresh forest air that surrounds this primitive ecolodge. Little more than a Neanderthal's hut, this little vacation home allows you to enjoy the dawn chorus of tweety birds and spectacular sunsets against the backdrop of Sweden's evergreen pine forests.

4. Attrap'Rêves Hotel, France

rock,3.32P, Paul Simon's tune to "Boy in a Bubble" will be on your lips when you wake up in your futuristic white plastic and glass bubble and stare at the clear blue skies and forest that surround your eerie perch. Once the early morning mists have cleared, you'll be able to wave at fellow bubble girls and boys rubbing the sleep out of their eyes all around you.

5. Kingston Treehouse, South Africa

house,vacation,estate,outdoor structure,resort, Situated in the center of the Sabi Sand Reserve, this treehouse resort is one of the most scenic places you'd rather wake up in than your bedroom. The sounds of exotic wildlife and the aroma of the jungle greet you, before you're even fully awake.

6. The Manta Resort, Zanzibar

sky,sea,horizon,ocean,body of water, Guests can choose whether they want to sleep on a private floating island's top deck while catching a tan or snore their little heads off some four meters below the surface of the sea, surrounded by tropical fish. The Manta Resort in Zanzibar is certainly one of the most unusual places to wake up in and seems to belong in a Bond movie rather than a vacation resort.

7. Sala Silvermine, Sweden

formation, The Sala Silvermine boasts a 300 year old hall that is the deepest hotel room in the world. Situated 155 meters below the surface, you'll feel like one of Tolkien's dwarves sleeping in this hand-carved room without a view. If you're looking for peace and quiet, this is one of the places you'd rather wake up in than your bedroom: so far below the surface, there's no traffic noise whatsoever.

8. The Crazy House, Vietnam

geological phenomenon,demolition,earthquake, The Crazy House looks like an architectural joke concocted by Salvador Dali and Antonio Gaudi. Decorated with expressionist elements that remind one of Gaudi's work in Barcelona in Spain, this unique vacation home may give you nightmares rather than a good night's sleep!

9. Kerala Backwaters Houseboats, India

long tail boat,boat,sea,vehicle,watercraft rowing, Let the gorgeous landscapes of India's Kerala region float past your window at a leisurely pace, while you sip your coconut milk and go to sleep in this traditional houseboat. Ever-changing picturesque villages and palm-tree lined coasts greet you when you wake up. It's one of the those magical places you'd rather wake up in than your bedroom every day of the week.

As much as I love to see my garden every morning when I get up, I’d happily swap it for a room with a view at any of these places. Where’s your favorite?

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@Paradis It is? I wanna gooo.

I don't about all the other places but Kerala house boat is something u will be bored to death...

I just like the pic in the title itself nicer than all the rest.

Omg..zanzibar has me hands down. Loving it. Beautiful. Do these places really exist????

Dedon Island is in the Philippines.

Dedon Island reminds me of a Hershey's Kiss.

@rash thanks. I suppose it looks too good to be true.

Amazing and beautiful places. I gotta get out more

woow.. amazing.

Woww, Aamazing!