How to Look Your Best when Backpacking ...


How to Look Your Best when Backpacking ...
How to Look Your Best when Backpacking ...

Want to know how to look your best when backpacking? Backpacking is a great way to explore the world without draining your bank account. As a result, traveling on a budget often means you have to go without some of your daily beauty essentials.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your style in the name of exploration. Whether you like using Instagram filters or not, our travel tips will help you look your best while you see the best.

Here's how to look your best when backpacking across the world.

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1. Focus on the Skin

This is one of the best answers for how to look your best when backpacking. Travel Instagrammers and bloggers often give the perception that traveling is easy and full of beautiful, bronze skin.

That’s not the case, especially when you’re backpacking. Instead of an even tan and smooth skin, you’ll be dealing with dryness, awkward tan lines, sweat and more.

Trust us when we say that glistening pictures don’t always look as good as you might think they do. In order to give your skin a fighting chance in the diverse and harsh weathers, you’ll need to stock up on moisturizer, sunscreen, and suntan lotion.

All of these will help protect your skin and give it a more even and beautiful look in both real life and your photos. Finding the perfect self tanner can be time consuming, but it is definitely worth it.

2. Let the Landscape Shine

When you’re in a beautiful place, the landscape will do most of the work for you. Integrating well with the stunning background will help you to look great too.

Loud outfits and jewelry will look out of place and make you feel out of place as well. Some of the best looks are the simplest ones.

For photos, practice some simple poses that help draw the attention to the whole photo instead of just you or the tourist attraction. Try to hit the most well-known sites when the least amount of people are going to be there. This will help you get the best shots.

According to this blog, on a busy day the Sistine Chapel has 2,000 visitors. Find out when is the best time to visit your favorite places to beat the rush.

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3. Perfect Versatile Hairstyles

Most of the time while you’re traveling you’ll want your hair out of your face. With wind, rain, and sweat it can quickly go from being styled to being a hot mess.

Perfecting easy updos and styles will help you spend less time worrying about the tangles and more time enjoy dreamy sites.

Be sure to have plenty of bobby pins and hair ties. And if you’ll be taking lots of pictures make sure that your hairstyles don’t pull all of your hair behind your face, otherwise, it might look like you have no hair at all.

Looking good can sometimes feel like a science. However, the most important aspect of beauty is confidence. If you feel comfortable and confident in yourself and your outfit, the rest will come naturally.

Have you ever gone backpacking? Let me know in the comments some of your best experiences!