7 Hotel Room Checks to Make before You Flop into Bed ...


No matter what standard or star rating you’ve booked into, there are some hotel room checks to make when you first enter. You’ve endured a long flight, the transfer from the airport took ages, and your comfortable shoes are starting to pinch. All you want is a warm shower or to flop into bed. No matter how jaded you’re feeling, spend a few minutes carrying out some simple hotel room checks for your sanity and safety. If you find anything wrong, it is so much easier to ask for a new room before you’ve unpacked and settled in.

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1. Check Your Climate Control

There’s nothing worse than staying in a hotel room and realising in the middle of the night that the heating or the air-conditioning isn’t working properly. You should consequently put checking the climate control at the very top of your list of hotel room checks to make. This way if you do find an issue you have time to have it fixed, or if worse comes to worst, request a different room, rather than suffering through your stay.

2. Examine Your Room for Bedbugs!

On the list of things you should check your hotel room for, bedbugs are every seasoned traveler’s worst nightmare, and can be found in even the most expensive accommodation. These blood sucking parasites may not be life threatening, however they can certainly cause a great deal of discomfort in the form of itchy red bites and nasty allergic reactions. If you notice any small blood spots on your mattress or bedding, or find any live bugs, shed bedbug skins or eggs, you certainly don’t want to spend the night at your chosen hotel!

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3. Check the Alarm Clock in Your Room

Another of the hotel room checks is seeing if the alarm has been set by the previous occupant. Being woken up at 5am whilst you’re on holiday is utterly inhumane. Many hotels also have extremely user-unfriendly alarm clocks, so examining the clock as soon as you check into your room gives you plenty of time to call reception and ask them for help if you can’t get it figured out.

4. Ensure Everything is Sanitary

Something that many people find a little unsettling about hotel rooms is the thought that a multitude of people have used the room before them. This makes ensuring everything is sanitary before you settle in an absolute must. Taking your own sanitizer and wiping down commonly forgotten areas, such as light switches, remote controls and door handles, is therefore a great way to avoid picking up any unwanted illnesses during your time away if you’re uber-health-conscious.

5. Inspect Your Bedspread

While hotels commonly wash bedding, it’s not unheard of for the bedspread to be used multiple times by different guests. This is consequently one of the first things you should check in your hotel room if the idea of sharing your blanket with complete strangers doesn’t quite sit well with you. If your bedspread doesn’t quite meet your hygiene standards, you then have the option of asking for a freshly washed one, or depending on the climate, just setting it aside.

6. Examine the Emergency Plan

One of the most important hotel room checks is definitely the emergency evacuation plan, as although emergencies are rare, you don’t want to be unprepared if there happens to be a fire, an earthquake, or some other unforeseen event. This is especially important if you’re staying in multilevel accommodation, as finding your way down from the 10th floor at night (for example) may not be an easy task.

7. Ensure You Won’t Be Disturbed

Your hotel room should act as your home away from home while you’re on vacation, so there’s nothing worse than being woken up early by the housekeeping service, or being barged in on by an incompetent staff member who is unaware that the room is occupied. A “Do Not Disturb” sign is therefore one of the first things to locate when you arrive in your room.

I have a very laissez-faire attitude and very few things bother me, but I do carry out some of these hotel room checks. If you have saved for your trip, and are looking forward to it, even a few little things can derail your enjoyment – don’t let it be a sub-standard hotel room. How fastidious are you when you check in?