9 Fabulous Ways to Be Paid to Travel ...


9 Fabulous Ways to Be Paid to Travel ...
9 Fabulous Ways to Be Paid to Travel ...

Paid to travel? Your dream job? It is mine although these days I am paid to write about it more than to actually do it. You have a life-changing virus. You feel weary, sometimes sea-sick, air-sick, even car-sick, sometimes all at the same time, but all you’re doing is staring at posters for sunny skies or snowy mountains. You’ve discovered the cause: you have chronic needtotravelitis after being bitten by the pesky supermighty-travel bug! But alas, you don’t have the money that will remedy your needs. So why not find ways to be paid to travel? Travelling is full of adventure and when you come back home it’s tempting to scratch that itch left by the travel bug and go travel some more. So make a living out of it with one of these 9 Fabulous Ways to be Paid to Travel.

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1. Become a Flight Attendant

This job requires you to have excellent customer services, possibly speak fluently in another language, and be able to keep a cool head for any in-the-air emergencies for yourself and a whole airplane of passengers. This job is becoming more and more respected as the responsibilities, as well as the glamour, become part and parcel in a job where you are paid to travel and stay in swanky hotels in major cities every week.

2. Become a Travel Journalist

If you have a penchant for writing and travel then this is a fantastic way to get paid to travel. You would see different sights, the famous and the niche, and write about your experiences for the benefit of other future travelers, as well as yourself! Depending on what type of media you are interested in, you can write for travel magazines or research news internationally for newspapers, television or blog sites.

Frequently asked questions


Teaching English as a Foreign Language is extremely popular, and getting qualified is very impressive. Qualification requirements vary from country to country, but generally all you need is something to say you speak English fluently and proficiently. Teaching your native language to others has endless benefits, as you live and work with people in different countries and expose yourself to exhilarating and rewarding experiences.

4. Review Hotels

This job would not be paid very highly if you start out as an amateur reviewing hotels for a cooperative website. However, it’s a great place to start as you get to critique whatever hotel you stay in. Websites such as ReviewStream.com currently pay $1.50 per hotel review, so it’s good for a little cash on the side as well as some great travel and accommodation experience.

5. Delivering Goods

If you are proficient and patient with driving goods vehicles, then sit back and watch the countryside roll past you as you travel up and down the country seeing the sites not many people always get to see. It may not sound the most glamorous way to be paid to travel but think about it. The sights on the freeway can look stunning during sunrise and sundown, with the potential of wildlife depending on where you’re headed and there’s plenty of terrific places to stop. Delivering goods can vary from vehicle, to boat, plane or train. Either way, something needs to get from A to B and companies need couriers!

6. Become a Tour Guide

This can pay rather well and is a job that’s always different due to the different tour groups you’ll be managing. You have to get qualified, but certified guides can earn generous wages for sightseeing! If you’re great with history and figuratively devour tour guides and historical facts about the buildings and places you live around then being a tour guide is a fabulous way to be paid to travel. Plus you get to meet thousands of people and with long-term escorts there is always the possibility of making some great friends.

7. Missionary

Missionary work is not paid well, or at all, but you can get funding to travel and spread the word of your religion through your church’s community fundraising or sponsorship. This is a fabulous way to get paid to travel if God is your passion.

8. Destination Researcher for Travel Guides

Books such as the Lonely Planet series need destination researches to efficiently breakdown the ‘where to go?’, ‘what to do?’ and ‘how much?’ for the modern day traveler. There are various travel guides aimed at different groups of people, mainly between young and elderly travelers who may be looking at a country for different things. So destination researchers need to know their target audiences and put in a lot of work dissecting the best things to do on a vacation. It’s a brilliant way to be paid to travel and sort out the wheat from the chaff but you need to be experienced and reputable.

9. Get a Job That Includes Worldwide Travel/find a Job in Another Country!

There are tons of business, research and rather ordinary office jobs which often ask its employees to travel, depending on if the company has international links or branches. Traveling to foreign countries in these jobs can be rare, so may not be the most ideal job if you’re really focused on travelling. If that’s the case, then getting a job abroad will definitely solve that problem. It’s hard to pull off, with tax issues and working visas to organize, but if you’re in that moment of your life where you can live abroad for an indefinite period of time then you should do it.

Getting paid to travel can be enriching as well as challenging. Either way, if you want to travel and need to get paid whilst doing it then there are plenty of options. You may need some qualifications first, but don’t let that put you off if traveling for money is your dream job. Do you have any stories to share, or Fabulous Ways to be Paid to Travel?

Top Photo Credit: weheartit.com