9 Exotic Places to Run a Marathon ...


9 Exotic Places to Run a Marathon ...
9 Exotic Places to Run a Marathon ...

Places to run a marathon may not be your nearest city or even your own country. If you love running and spend hours upon hours training to run a marathon why shouldn’t you also dream of doing it in somewhere wonderful. Road races in your own town/city are all very well but how do you fancy having some wonderful sights whilst you’re running. There are some fabulous places to run a marathon and unless you’re a professional athlete, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a view as your little feet pound the floor is there? From the orient to the occident, here are 9 Exotic Places to Run a Marathon. On your marks... get set... go...

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1. The North Pole Marathon

Well if there’s one place where you can guarantee you won’t need a long cooling down period it’s the North Pole. Surely the coldest of places to run a marathon, participants experience temperatures of minus 30 degrees and lower as they navigate the expanse of snow and ice.

2. Marathon De Medoc

Whilst you might think a corner of rural France is a pretty standard place to run a marathon, the Medoc race is a long distance running event with a difference. Medoc, just north of Burgundy, is a wine-growing region and participants in this marathon can stop and guzzle oysters and white wine at every mile marker. They also hold a recovery walk the day after the marathon.


The Marathon De Medoc, located in the picturesque wine-growing region of Medoc in France, is not your typical marathon. This long distance running event offers a unique experience for participants, with oysters and white wine served at every mile marker. Runners can also take part in a recovery walk the day after the marathon. The race attracts thousands of participants from all over the world, making it a truly international event. The route takes runners through stunning vineyards and chateaus, providing a scenic backdrop for the race. This marathon is not just about the physical challenge, but also about indulging in the local culture and cuisine.

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3. The Everest Marathon

Can you imagine a more incredible marathon location than the world’s highest mountain? The race starts at Mount Everest Base Camp, 17,000 feet up the mountain and runners descend 6,000 feet to reach the finish line. If you’re going to take part you’ll need to spend at least a month getting acclimatized in Kathmandu.

4. The Death Valley Marathon

Ok, so the Cottonwood, Funeral, Grapevine, Black and Panamint Mountains are a long way from the height of Everest but they still provide a spectacular backdrop to the Death Valley Marathon. The course wends it ways through the Death Valley National Park which is very flat and below sea level, making this a unique place to run a marathon.

5. The Galapagos Marathon

If you want to see flora and fauna like nowhere else, The Galapagos Islands has to be the most amazing marathon location. There’s only been two marathons in the ecologically diverse islands where Darwin formed his Theory of Evolution but there’s an event planned for next year and organizers intend it to be a continuing annual event.


The Galapagos Islands are a unique and spectacular place to run a marathon. Located off the coast of Ecuador, the archipelago is made up of 13 main islands and numerous smaller islets, all with their own distinct wildlife and landscapes. The islands are home to an abundance of endemic species, including the Galapagos giant tortoise, marine iguanas, and the Galapagos penguin, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers.

The Galapagos Marathon is an annual event that takes place in the stunning natural environment of the islands. The course takes runners through a variety of terrains, from sandy beaches to lush forests, and offers spectacular views of the ocean. The marathon is also designed to be a sustainable event, with a focus on reducing its environmental impact.

The race is open to both experienced and novice runners, and is a great way to explore the islands and experience the unique wildlife. The event is organized by a local non-profit organization and all proceeds go towards conservation efforts in the Galapagos Islands.

6. The Great Wall of China Marathon

The beautiful Great Wall of China is definitely one of the more exotic places to run a marathon. It’s historic and magnificent and there are 5164 steps for runners to negotiate.

7. South Africa’s Big 5 Marathon

We are used to «fun runners» in animal costumes participating in marathons but in south Africa’s Big 5 race, the animals are real. As you make your way along the course in one of South Africa’s National Parks, not only will your sights include mountains, rivers, waterfalls and swamps but zebras, giraffes, antelope and maybe even a lion or two.


The Big 5 Marathon in South Africa is a one-of-a-kind experience for runners looking for a unique adventure. Held in one of the country's National Parks, participants will not only be surrounded by breathtaking scenery but also have the opportunity to encounter real wild animals along the course. The race is known for its challenging terrain, with runners navigating through mountains, rivers, and even swamps. The Big 5 refers to the five most iconic African animals: lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and buffalo. While participants may not see all five during the race, the possibility of encountering any of them adds an exciting element to the event. This marathon is not only a physical challenge but also a chance to experience the beauty and diversity of South Africa's wildlife.

8. Mount Kilimanjaro Marathon

Another of the world’s highest mountains provides an exotic place to run a marathon. Mount Kilimanjaro, a dormant volcano, and the tallest peak in Africa hosts a race that winds through some quaintest towns of Tanzania.

9. Solar Eclipse Marathon

The most unique start to a marathon has to be a solar eclipse. The starting pistol is fired on Four Mile Beach in Port Douglas, Australia as the sun emerges from behind the moon setting runners off on a course in a marathon location that takes in sugar cane fields, rivers, rainforest and mining roads.

So, next time you sign up to pound out more than 26 miles will it be in one of these Exotic Places to Run a Marathon? There’s probably nothing to beat the atmosphere of the big city marathons but these exotic marathon locations will surely afford the experience of a lifetime.

Top Photo Credit: weheartit.com