10 Absolute Musts to do in Spain ...


10 Absolute Musts to do in Spain ...
10 Absolute Musts to do in Spain ...

Things to do in Spain will amaze, captivate, enthrall, educate, relax and afford you a jolly good time. I have been living in Spain for five years now, and even I cannot claim to know the country very intimately at all. The sheer amount of sights to see and experience and things to do in Spain are memories just waiting to be made and there is simply not enough days in a year to see it all. In fact, you could spend years travelling in and around Spain, and not see half of this amazing and vibrant country. Even though there are more than 100 excellent reasons to visit Spain, it is always good to have a place to start. Here is a list of 10 Amazing Things to do in Spain:

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1. The Alhambra

The well known UNESCO World Heritage site of the Moorish Palaces of Alhambra, is a charismatic and resplendent gathering of the stunning Muslim Emir’s Palaces. A fascinating and extraordinary complex that leaves visitors bedazzled by the intricate detail and mysterious courtyards and tucked discreetly behind gorgeous gardens and landscapes. Definitely not to be missed you are visiting the Granada region in the south, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

2. Roman Ruins

The Roman Empire occupied Spain for centuries, leaving countless reminders of their epic reign in this nation. The Romans built astounding architectural achievements such as arenas, aqueducts, theatres and monuments, to name a few. There is a huge wealth of Roman ruins and sites still standing that are waiting to be explored and, they are some of the most interesting things to do in Spain. Check out some of the biggest ruins in Seville, Cadiz and Toledo.

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3. Picos De Europa

There are many people that think Spain is all about beaches and paella; however those avid outdoor enthusiasts are adamant that the hiking in this region is the best thing to do in Spain. The Picos de Europa, the stunning mountain range in Northern Spain, boasts some of the most extraordinary natural beauty, and is a haven for hikers and nature lovers. Sign up for a guided walking holiday through some of the most rugged and breathtaking mountain ranges you have ever experienced.

4. Museo Del Prado

The Museo del Prado is the famous national Spanish art museum located in the middle of Madrid. With the largest single collection of Spanish art anywhere in the world, from as far back as the 12th Century, it is one of the most visited museums in the world. Incredible collections from Velazquez, Francisco de Goya, Titian, Rubens and Bosch make up some of the biggest attractions at the museum.

5. Off the Beaten Spanish Track

When visiting Spain, everybody knows about the major city hotspots to visit, such as Barcelona, Madrid and the eastern and southern coastal areas are hugely popular among tourists. To tour Spain like a local, take a trip instead to one of the lesser known areas, such as the north-western coastal region of Spain, Galicia, famous for their seafood feasts, and their lush national parks. Or head to the Basque Country in Northern Spain, where the Basque cuisine is hailed as the best in the world. Chill out and join the locals in a ‘’ir de pintxos’’ or as it is known in English, a pub crawl.

6. Medieval Villages

Spain’s history stretches way back through the centuries and all over Spain you will see some of the most beautiful and charismatic medieval villages. Every city and town in and around still bear witness to the echoes of the past, and it will not be necessary to travel far distances to experience the charm and the mystery in these villages. If you can tear yourself away from the beach, or when you have recovered from your Basque Pub Crawl, get out and about and explore these magical surroundings.

7. Camino De Santiago

For a special and unique walking holiday, follow the Camino De Santiago (The Way of St James) a huge maze of historic pilgrim’s routes, that stretch all over Europe, merging at the tomb of St James, in north-west Spain, in an area known as Santiago de Compostela. These routes were followed by pilgrims since the medieval times, depending on your fitness and energy levels; you can pick the length of the trails you want to follow.

8. Skiing in Spain

Although ski-ing doesn’t automatically spring to mind for things to do in Spain many people who only associate it as being a beach destination, will be delighted to know that the Sierra Nevada region in the south is one of the most popular winter sports destinations in the world. Close to Granada, the exciting snow capped mountains and slopes of the mountains ranges offer everything from skiing to snowboarding. The Pyrenees area, bordering France is another winter wonderland opportunity, as there is snow on their glaciers all year round.

9. Empuries

As well as the huge amount of Roman Ruins and Historic Roman sites in and around Spain, the Empuries, on the coast of Catalonia, is a site that offers visitors a rare opportunity to visit a site with both Roman and Greek ruins. Dating back to the 6th Century BC, this ancient site is huge collection of both incredible archaeological finds and spectacular feats of Greek and Roman engineering. In fact, the Roman City at the Empuries has only been 20% excavated, and archaeologists are permanently based here and continue to unearth secrets of the past.

10. Spanish Castles

Last on the list, but definitely not least, one of the most interesting things to do in Spain, is to visit the Castles. The country has these unbelievable structures, intact and majestic, scattered all over. You can even stay in these romantic and mysterious castles, known as Paradores, which are historic buildings from as far back as the 15th century, that have been converted into luxury accommodation.

There are so many wonderful and exciting things to do and see, it is completely impossible to choose just 10 Amazing Things to do in Spain. For a dynamic blend of history, romance, medieval magic and strong cultural influences Spain is the place to be. What would you put on your list of your favorite things to do in Spain?

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