10 Amazing Places to Go Snorkeling ...


10 Amazing Places to Go Snorkeling ...
10 Amazing Places to Go Snorkeling ...

Places to go snorkeling include amazing natural wonders and man-made attractions from especially created underwater museums to promote natural reef growth to shipwrecks. Don’t just think places to go snorkeling are tropical paradises or locations in a warm climate. Places to go snorkeling can be found all over the globe. Snorkeling is a favorite past time at many seaside resorts and exotic islands. Although it does require training, it isn’t as complicated as scuba diving, doesn’t require as much equipment and is cheaper vacation activity. You can’t go as deep as with scuba diving but that doesn’t make it any less worthwhile in the right location. Here are 10 Amazing Places to Go Snorkeling to whet your adventurous spirit.

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1. Places to Go Snorkeling in Norway

Lofoten is located in the Arctic Circle, Northern Norway. It is well known for excellent marine life, towering mountains and small villages off the beaten track. The land of the midnight sun with pristine white beaches and clear water. The archipelago has seven islands Austvågøy, Gimsøy, Vestvågøy, Flakstadøy, Moskenesøy, Værøy and Røst. These islands have sheltered inlets and glorious stretches of seashore, mostly untouched by tourism. The world’s largest deep-water coral reef is west of Røst and is teeming with marine life making this an amazing place for snorkeling. For the nature enthusiast there are huge varieties of birds and animals on the islands.

2. Places to Go Snorkeling in Aruba

The island of Aruba is part of the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea, an independent country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is part of the southern group (Netherlands Antilles) of islands.

Boca Catalina and Catalina Cove are the best for snorkeling in Aruba. Swimming in shallow water you will have an opportunity to see great reefs with lots of fish, sea snakes, eels and sea turtles. Early morning is the best time to go, before the dive boats arrive. The beach is ideal for children and has several shady areas. Enter at Boca Catalina and swim northward towards Catalina Cove. Be aware that the entry at Catalina Cove can be difficult with the shallow water and rocks but is also an amazing place for snorkeling.

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3. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Arguably one of the most renowned places on earth, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Larger than the Great Wall of China, the reef is the only living thing visible from space.

The best place for snorkeling is Heron Island located northeast of Gladstone with 24 hectares of coral on the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef. There are over 20 dive and snorkeling spots with a fair amount close to the beach. There is a deep-sea channel between Heron Island and Wistari reef offering the opportunity to snorkel in calm waters. Open all year round Heron Island is home to nesting turtles during January to March, offering a unique opportunity to see the hatchlings running to the sea. Take a walk at low tide looking for clams, coral formations. The island is a Marine National Park and a nature lover’s paradise.

4. Places to Go Snorkeling in Mozambique

The Republic of Mozambique is a country in South East Africa on the Indian Ocean. The best place for snorkeling in Mozambique is the Bazaruto Archipelago, a chain of islands off the coast. Vilankulo is the gateway to the marine national park with exquisite turquoise seas, sandy beaches and coral reefs. Santa Caroline formerly known as Paradise Island with its pristine white beach is regarded as the best for snorkeling in the crystal clear waters with magnificent coral reefs close to the shore. Swimming with the dolphins is another sought after and popular activity. Snorkelers will love “The Aquarium”, a huge protected natural pool with diverse marine life including five species of Indian Ocean turtle as well as the mysterious and rare Dugong, also known as "sea cow”. The warm, tropical climate is just perfect for peace and quiet and boasts some of the best snorkeling sites in the world.

5. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Maldives

Situated in the Indian Ocean, the Maldive Islands are southwest of Sri Lanka and India. These beautiful islands are home to several ecosystems and renowned for the magnificent color coral reefs with thousands of species of fish, sea turtles and a variety of whale and dolphin species.

Places to go snorkeling are abundant, ideal for any level of experience; all you need are your mask and fins. Swimming around the coral reefs has a dream quality where the visibility is so clear it is equal to an aquarium. A unique experience is night snorkeling, where the world beneath the water changes when the nocturnal creatures come out to feed and play.

6. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)

Dahab is an ideal place for snorkeling in the Red Sea. The bay is shallow with easy access from the shore avoiding long boat rides to the reefs. Within a short distance you will find many interesting places to snorkel.

The Blue Hole is aptly named as it is in the shallows of a bright blue reef shelf. A multitude of corals, eels and fish flourish on this unique reef with the depth of the hole providing a backdrop. Next to the Blue Hole is The Canyon and this is one of the most interesting sites as you snorkel off the beach through a large coral lagoon to the open sea. Take a deep breath at the entrance and observe the large coral bowl called ‘the fish tank’ teeming with fish. The breathtaking beauty of Dahab with its natural wonders and huge dunes makes a perfect destination for snorkeling enthusiasts.

7. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Gulf of Thailand

Thailand is a tropical country and is affected by monsoons. The perfect time of the year for snorkeling is between February and April with good conditions from November – May.

The most famous Thai snorkeling sites are the Similan Islands where clear waters and healthy coral are perfect for beginners. The mix of soft and hard coral is fascinating with large marine species feeding or birthing. Abundant with turtles and snappers, you observe the circle of life first hand. You will need to depart by boat from Taplamu pier to get to the Similan Islands. Best snorkeling sites for small children are Donald Duck Bay, Honeymoon Bay or Princess Bay.

8. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands are world famous as a water sports destination. Founded in the early 1950’s as one of the top dive destinations, snorkeling in Caymans’ clear current free waters is ideal for any age group at any level of expertise.

Cayman Brac and Little Cayman offer gentle seas with shallow reefs as well as organized snorkeling trips with beach lunches. The South Hole Sound Lagoon on Little Cayman extends excellent places to snorkel. Look out for neon blue Parrotfish or Queen conch. On the north coast off Cayman Brac, Buccaneers beach has excellent places for snorkeling with healthy coral and colorful fish, schools of yellowtail and Caymans green turtles. Grab a mask, fins and snorkel, and discover unlimited fun and unforgettable adventures!

9. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Comoros

Between Africa and Madagascar in the Mozambique Channel (Indian Ocean) are the Comoros Islands, made up of Ngazidja (Grande Comoro), Mwali (Moheli), Nzwani (Anjouan) and Mayotte the oldest of the islands. This tropical paradise has exotic species not found anywhere else in the world including the endangered Coelacanth, thought to be extinct for 60 million years.

With the abundance of marine life you can find everything from whales, sharks, manta rays down to the diversity of life on the coral reefs and mile and miles of perfect sandy beaches with nesting green turtles. Finding places to go snorkeling is easy, just step off the beach and view the vibrant sea life. The Comoros showcases a mixture between natural wonders, modern sophistication and ancient sites echoing Arab merchants dating back to 1274.

10. Places to Go Snorkeling in the Seychelles

Just four degrees south of the equator, in the Indian Ocean, the granite islands of the Seychelles lie in a sea rich with fish and coral. The Seychelles is made up of over a hundred islands with beautiful coral reefs and exotic fishes such as the Bat Fish, the vibrantly colored Butterfly and Parrot fishes. The Green Sea Turtle can also be seen in these waters along with giant Moray Eels, Eagle Rays and schools of thousands of barracudas. The principle islands are Mahè, Praslin and La Digue,

The island of Mahè including Turtle Bay offers 11 prime snorkeling places with shallow waters that lie close to the coast. At low tide you can discover a variety of sea life trapped in the rock pools. The Seychelles, one of the world’s very last frontiers, promises adventure with breathtaking natural beauty in pristine surrounds still untouched by man.

So what are you waiting for? Get on line and book your snorkeling trip, grab a mask and fins and head off to one of the Amazing Places to Go Snorkeling.

Top Image Source: weheartit.com