11 Incredible Lakes Even Mermaids Wouldn't Want to Swim in ...


11 Incredible Lakes Even Mermaids Wouldn't Want to Swim in ...
11 Incredible Lakes Even Mermaids Wouldn't Want to Swim in ...

There are so many lakes in the world and it's hard to imagine that some are beautiful lakes you don't want to swim in. A lake brings to mind cool water, tree lined fringes, maybe a day spent relaxing on a boat. You might like to fish or water ski. You might just enjoy the scenery – shimmering in summer and glisteningly frosty in winter. You might like to take a dip. Sounds idyllic yes? Well not in these lakes! Check out this list of lakes you wouldn't want to swim in.

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1. Jellyfish Lake, Palau

Jellyfish Lake, Palau The Rock Islands archipelago boasts some 70 weird lakes, but Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk Island in Palau takes first prize in weirdness. It is home to millions of golden jellyfish. They migrate horizontally across the lake every day, providing visitors with a spectacular sight. Golden Jellyfish (Mastigias cf. papua etpisoni) and other marine species living in the lake have evolved quite differently from their nearest relatives residing in neighboring lagoons because Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk Island is so isolated.


Daily, these golden denizens perform a mesmerizing dance, following the sun to move within their marine sanctuary. Visitors fortunate enough to snorkel in these turquoise waters find themselves surrounded by a pulsating mass of jellyfish. Yet, owing to evolutionary quirks, the sting of these creatures is so weak that humans barely feel it, transforming this experience into something otherworldly, with a sense of swimming through a living, breathing organism. It's a rare encounter that's both ethereal and entrancing, highlighting nature's ability to adapt in even the most secluded corners of the planet.

2. The Acid Lakes of Dallol Volcano, Ethiopia

The Acid Lakes of Dallol Volcano, Ethiopia The Afar people coined the term Dallol, describing the dissolution of a landscape consisting mostly of acid ponds that snooze in the hot sun. Yellow and orange hues of sulfur and iron oxide dominate this extraordinary lake and rocky shore. Dallol Volcano was formed during an eruption in 1926, adding this fascinating maar or explosion crater to the Erta Ale Range in Ethiopia. Surrounded by salt flats, the lake lies in the hottest inhabited place on Earth.

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3. Lake Hillier, Australia

Lake Hillier, Australia Looking like a gigantic, pink sugar-coated Danish pastry, Western Australia's Lake Hillier is a mystery nobody's solved so far. Are salt crystals or bacteria responsible for the baby pink apparition? Or is this merely the result of Pink Panther taking his weekly bath here?

4. Boiling Lake, Dominica

Boiling Lake, Dominica The Boiling Lake in Dominica looks like something out of Edgar Allen Poe's creepy short story, where fishermen are about to be sucked into a Norwegian maelström. According to local lore, this weird lake boasts a constant rolling boil that's so hot, nobody's been able to get near to measure the exact temperature.

5. Dead Sea, Israel/Jordan

Dead Sea, Israel/Jordan The Dead Sea is actually not a sea at all but a huge salt lake, where mermaids without scaly tails can float on water effortlessly. The briny water will carry a human being's mass, even if that human mermaid cannot swim or doggy paddle.

6. The 14th Hole at the Carbrook Golf Course, Australia

The 14th Hole at the Carbrook Golf Course, Australia Here it's not a case of shouting "Fore!" at the appropriate moment, but "Jaws"! Australia's Carbrook Golf Course boasts a man-made lake adjacent to the 14th hole that has become rather notorious. Not for its level of difficulty mind - no, golfers fear the 14th hole because it is being guarded by six man-eating sharks which invaded the golf course's lake during local flooding. And without paying a green fee, too!

7. Erta Ale, Ethiopia

Erta Ale, Ethiopia You wouldn't want to go for a refreshing dip here. Erta Ale Lake is a lava lake at the summit of an active basaltic shield volcano, which is located in the Afar Region of north-eastern Ethiopia, on the border with Eritrea. Meaning "Smoking Mountain" in the language of the local Afar people, Lake Erta Ale sometimes overflows on the southern side of the volcano with a spectacular "light show" of sparks, ash and smoke.

8. Lake Balkhash, Kazakstan

Lake Balkhash, Kazakstan Lake Balkhask in Kazakstan comprises of freshwater on the western side and saltwater on the eastern side, making it easily one of the weirdest lakes on the planet. A narrow strait divides the two halves - the mind boggles what the lake's fish make of this confusing state of affairs.


Spanning an area of about 16,400 square kilometers, Lake Balkhash is truly a geographical anomaly. The peculiar chemistry of this vast body of water means that its fauna and flora have had to adapt to very distinct conditions on either side of the lake. Migratory birds, in particular, flock to the fresher west side, while the saltier east remains more enigmatic to wildlife enthusiasts. And if the oddly partitioned waters weren't intriguing enough, the future of Lake Balkhash is a cause for concern due to water usage and ecological changes - perhaps adding an unwanted twist to the tale of this strange lake.

9. Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Lake Nakuru, Kenya Looking like a fluffy pink blanket that stretches for miles, Lake Nakuru is the natural habitat of thousands of long-legged flamingos who gorge themselves on the lake's algae. Sitting at an elevation of 1,754 meters above sea level, the body of water is part of the beautiful Lake Nakuru National Park, located in a rift valley of Kenya, where rhino still roam free.

10. Lake Natron, Tanzania

Lake Natron, Tanzania At a length of 57 km and a width of 22 km, Lake Natron appears like a gigantic red snake that slithers through northern Tanzania in search of victims. The salt and soda lake in the Arusha Region is so acidic it can turn animals in search of water into stone. The lake is rather shallow, less than 3 meters deep and is principally fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro River and mineral-rich hot springs. Temperatures at the lake frequently reach more than 40 °C (104 °F).

11. Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Lake Nyos, Cameroon Lake Nyos in Cameroon is a particularly deadly example of strange lakes. This one doesn't turn you to stone, boil or dissolve you in acid - it explodes! Located on a volcanic plain, it is regularly filling up with gas bubbles that eventually erupt in explosions. In 1986 an explosion killed 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock.

Awesome and stunning in incredible ways – aren’t they? Definitely amazing lakes to see and not to swim in.

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BTW the dead sea is between Jordan and Palestine "not Israel" ✌🏻️ it will be always Palestine whether you like it or not .

Lake Nakuru is fabulous ! If you call out or clap your hands whilst approaching the thousands of flamingos take off. Fantastic sight and sound ! Nobody else was around but we two and we just hoped no hippo would suddenly appear .

So saxy

Amazing indeed 😊

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Very interesting

@Sara why so emotional 🙈🙈

I've heard of #3 before. It's such a beautiful colored pink.