7 Tips for Traveling Light ...


7 Tips for Traveling Light ...
7 Tips for Traveling Light ...

I love to travel but at the same time I hate it … because of the dreaded packing process. I am really horrible about over packing. Like, I can manage to fill an entire ginormous suitcase to take a weekend trip to see my parents … who live all of four hours away. It's insane. I've gotten a little better – going there. When it comes to going anywhere else, I still tend to pack everything plus the kitchen sink. I need to learn to travel lighter. If you do too, then you might find these tips for traveling light as useful as I did.

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1. Pick the Right Luggage

If you're going to be flying, luggage is important. Not only are lots of airlines charging for checked baggage, it's a hassle to wait for it – if it gets there at all. Instead, bring along your trusty tape measure and start measuring bags. Anything that is no more than 7” x 14” x 20” is typically going to fit under the seats.

2. Set Limits

One of my problems is shoes. I always bring along way more pairs than I'll ever wear. I mean, I've even been known to pack shoes I haven't worn in forever because they look cute and I think I might wear them. Rather than doing that, set limits for yourself. Bring two pairs of comfortable, functional shoes, and one pair of dress shoes – or maybe two, depending on the length of your stay and what you'll be doing.

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3. Wash and Dry

In most places, you can easily find laundry facilities, especially if you're paying a visit to family or friends. In that case, rather than packing a bunch of outfits, just pack those of your favorites that you can wash and dry yourself. That way, you can keep your clothes clean, you won't have to pack a bunch of stuff, and you can save room for other things.

4. Choose Smart

With some things, you just have to use common sense. For instance, rather than packing a big electric toothbrush, pack a regular one. If you're staying in a hotel that provides hair dryers in the rooms, don't pack you. Get travel sized toiletries so you aren't taking up a lot of space with big bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and lotion.

5. Make a List

Having a list detailing the things you really need can be extremely helpful. You can write out a checklist containing just the essentials, and check off the pieces as you go. That will save you from any frustrated packing maneuvers, which generally ends in a hugely overstuffed suitcase.

6. Have Good Luggage

While those huge trolley bags are great for some things, most of the time they are just too big. You really don't need to go around with a suitcase that you could fit an entire person in, because that will just encourage you to over pack. Instead, either help yourself to a smaller suitcase, or just get a duffel.

7. Use Your Pockets

When packing, don't forget that you can utilize your clothes. If you're packing clothes that have lots of pockets, use them! Stuff those travel sized toiletries in there, stick your makeup in there, anything. It's efficient in terms of space and time, and you won't have to cart around as many bags.

I found a lot of great ideas on this topic. I just hope I can actually use them, because I'm still trying to unpack from a recent trip to my parents – three days, ginormous suitcase, too many clothes to count. How do you avoid over packing?

Top Photo Credit: AlicePalice