As the world shrinks in terms of travel opportunities, we’re running out of new places to discover. Whilst the big countries of the world hawk their charms, the little lands get lost in the mêlée but some of these tiny countries are fascinating places that make them worthy of their name on the map. Here are 8 tiny countries you may have never heard mention of before but I hope you find them all of interest.
Photo Credit: ChrisYunker
At just .75 square miles Monaco is top of the list of Europe’s tiny countries. (The Vatican City is smaller but is not considered a true country by the United Nations). It may be small but it’s fabulously wealthy, a playground of the spectacularly rich and famous and simply gorgeous. Right on the same strip of coast known as the French Riviera, both Monaco –Ville and Monte Carlo are places for the glitterati to be seen.
Photo Credit: *christopher*
Stuck right out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean about halfway between California and Japan, this tiny group of islands has only 60 square miles of land mass. The islands are known for their coconuts and are a diving paradise with clear waters full of endless reefs and WWII wreck. Wotje Atoll is regarded as the most beautiful in the world with its lagoon filled with giant clams that the islanders harvest.
Photo Credit: lollo [neon]
Another of Europe’s tiny countries is San Marino, 24 square miles of rugged mountainous land in the middle of Italy. I was lucky enough to visit this gorgeous enclave when on holiday in Rimini. At the time I was more interested in the cheap Spumante than anything else although I do remember appreciating the incredible panorama that takes in miles and miles of Italian countryside. Founded in AD301 San Marino claims to be the world’s oldest republic. The oldest tower on the citadel dates back to the 10th century.
Photo Credit: wazonthehill
The world’s smallest republic is in danger of disappearing altogether and is a sobering lesson for us all. This island is stuck out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean sort of north east from the northern tip of Australia. In just 50 years phosphate mining has destroyed 80% of the island’s 21 square miles of land mass and I’m sorry to say it’s a consortium of British and Australian companies responsible. As an Englander I hang my head in shame. My countrymen have turned what used to be called Pleasant Island into an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Photo Credit: jpcloud
Luckily SKN won’t be going the same way as poor little Nauru. This one of the world’s tiny countries is an island nation in the Caribbean. The only thing to be exploited is its sheer beauty. Thanks to a foresighted government, even buildings on SKN are tightly controlled and not allowed to be built taller than the tallest palm tree. Pristine beaches, crystal waters and a preserved colonial feel are the key attractions.
Photo Credit: wait2see
Another of the world’s tiny countries I have had the pleasure of visiting. Some parts of this island in the Mediterranean have a unique British flavour and I’m not talking about Union Jack shorts and lager louts. Luckily, some would say, it has also got the imprint of invaders from Italy, France, Greece, Turks and Moors who have all laid claim to it in the past. It’s a fabulous place that doesn’t lack for anything to see and do and the capital, Valletta, is an absolute delight. Malta is 122 square miles of gorgeousness.
Photo Credit: François G.
Tuvalu is not only one of the smallest countries in the world it is one of the most isolated. It’s hard to visit due to the high cost of getting there but those who do arrive find 9 very low lying atolls covering 10 idyllic and unspoilt square miles. This is one place where yours can be the only footsteps in the sand.
What an amazing place our world is and these tiny countries are something that helps make it so fabulously diverse. Let’s hope they get looked after better in the future than in the past.
So, where is your next vacation?
Top Photo Credit: fsse8info